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Katsuki nervously tapped his foot on the ground, the sound of his heavy boot resonating throughout the room. He had never gone on a trip with an Omega before, and the fact that this greenette had a chance of becoming his bride made him even more nervous. He was mostly worried about humiliating himself or disappointing the smaller male, but that didn't matter to him right now. Right now, he was focused on the castle's driveway, where a small chariot was parked. He watched as a curly-haired Omega said goodbye to a teary-eyed Queen, seemingly his mother. 

Bakugou then decided to step out of the castle, greeting his possible mate and his mother. The sound of the door creaking open gained both Izuku's attention and Queen Inko's. He froze in place, feeling the pressure from the two Omegas' gazes. 

"Um... Hello, your Majesties." Katsuki nervously spoke, approaching the two with a bow. He gently took the Queen's hand, pressing a respectful kiss on the top of it. It seemed to impress the older woman who gave him a gentle smile in return, a few tears still present at the corner of her eyes. 

"Hello, Katsuki dear." The woman replied. Bakugou felt a shiver being sent down his spine. This Queen wasn't as formal as he had expected her to be. Then again, his family wasn't too formal, either, although they always tried their best. "Please take care of Izuku." The woman added, a now paranoid gaze taking place in her emerald eyes. Bakugou held back a snort, nodding gently. 

"Of course, ma'am. I'll guard him with my own life. Don't you worry about him." The Alpha spoke, looking over to a dull-eyed greenette. Izuku didn't seem too pleased by the situation at all, leading Katsuki to feel a bit uncomfortable. 

"I'm glad. I'll be putting my trust in you, then. I should also get going, too, and leave you both to your adventure." The woman rambled, shifting as she took a seat in the small chariot. Katsuki nodded, bowing in respect as the Queen was escorted out of his kingdom. While she rolled off, a small mumble escaped a freckled male's lips. 

"Stupid mom." Midoriya mumbled, looking down with teary eyes. Bakugou looked over to the shorter male, flinching to the sound of a soft yet broken tone. 

"Is everything alright?" He questioned politely. He watched as the Omega wiped away a tear, nodding softly. 

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." Izuku replied, this time, his voice sturdier. Bakugou backed away slightly, bothered by the sight of an upset Omega. He wasn't used to comforting people, and he knew Omegas were known to be extra sensitive. Yet, he didn't expect to see Midoriya cry so soon. 

"Shall I help you with this?" Katsuki offered, grabbing the prince's bag. He swung both his and Izuku's bag over his shoulders, making his way towards the edge of the pathway as his possible mate thanked him for his kindness. "We'll be heading north, okay? There's a wonderful place I wanted to share with you. I've only seen it once, as a kid." Bakugou explained, watching as the smaller male nodded. 

"Are we... Going to walk all the way?" Izuku asked in a small voice. Katsuki looked down to a confused face, nodding. 

"If you think it'll be too exhausting for you, then we can take small breaks every now and then. But there's no need to worry. There's a pathway through the woods, so it won't be too tiring." The blonde explained. Nods came from the smaller male as they began their way towards the edge of town, passing along the gate of the castle. 

Bakugou knew damn well this trip wasn't going to be a hard one. Simply a long walk through the woods, which led to a majestic area. He had been there as a young boy but had gotten too terrified by the environment. There were rumors and legends about an ancient dragon living in the area, which is why Bakugou and some friends had decided to venture out to the area. They believed they would be able to brag about seeing such a beautiful, endangered creature. He hadn't told his mother before leaving, either. Therefore, the poor, young boy had been declared missing for nearly a week, before he came back crying, scared and hungry, along with several other children which had been missing from their homes.

"So... What are your hobbies?" Katsuki asked, looking over to a fidgeting Omega. Midoriya looked down, thinking for a moment as his brows furrowed. 

"Uhm... I like painting." He muttered softly. "And nature." He continued. Katsuki nodded, smiling softly. He liked the fact that this Omega was nervous around him, tense by their awkward conversations. But he also wished the greenette would loosen up after getting to know one another. 

"That's nice. If you like nature, then you'll surely love where I'm taking you." Katsuki nodded, earning a shy smile from the other. He found Izuku quite attractive, to be honest. His freckles seemed to pop whenever a blush would appear. His eyes were dark green, somewhat comforting, too. He found the boy's lips looked soft and gave him a sweet smile. He was short and sported only a bit of fat. Katsuki could tell Izuku didn't have any abs or muscles whatsoever, but rather had curvy hips and a bit of fat that accented his body quite well. 

"Are you sure those aren't too heavy for you? I can carry my own bag." Midoriya spoke, looking up with a hint of worry in emerald orbs. Bakugou smirked, finally finding out what had been on the Omega's mind forthe past several minutes. 

"No, no. I'm fine, don't worry. I go on hikes like these all the time. I usually bring more food, though, so I always end up bringing heavy bags. This is nothing. Besides, you need a lot of energy." Bakugou chuckled, earning a bright smile from the curly-haired boy. He watched as green locks bounced at every step he'd take, adding onto the small male's sweetness. 

"U-Um. I'm sorry if I'm a bit... Y'know, childish. I know you're expecting someone mature and respectful. I mean, I'm nice and all... But I'm also really childlike." Midoriya muttered shyly, shaky fingers running through green hair. Katsuki shook his head, getting a bit worried. If what Midoriya was saying was true, he was sure to get annoyed by the freckled male's personality. That would be a bit sad, since Katsuki was attracted to the boy's physical looks. 

"It's fine. This is what this trip is all about. We're doing this so we can get to know each other. Don't worry about it, okay?" The Alpha spoke, looking over to a discrete smile. 

"Okay." Izuku whispered back, quickening his footsteps so he could keep up with the taller blonde. "You sure do walk fast." He giggled. 


ROYAL ALPHA \ A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now