14. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔗𝔞𝔩𝔨 | 𝔄𝔡𝔞𝔪

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"What are you laughing at?" She turned to me. "I only said yes to go to the fair, it doesn't mean you're forgiven."

I immediately sobered up and tried to suppress my smile and look serious. "I know. I'll earn your forgiveness."

"You don't have to try too hard." Lilianne added from the back, making Prim throw her hands in the air in frustration. "Whose side are you on?"

Lilianne shook her head at the silly girl and ignored her question. "I heard they have all kinds of sweet snakcs. There are even stalls for crepes and-

"Waffles?" Prim perked up. Of course she wouldn't miss the chance to ask about her favourite food on the planet. Maybe I underestimated Lilianne. This girl knew exactly what she was doing.

"All kinds of waffles." I replied. "You can get your favourite nutella and banana combo." 

Luckily this time she didn't give a hostile retort to my comment and remained cheerful until we reached our destination. Prim barely waited for me to lock the car before she pulled Lilianne along and headed excitedly towards the stalls stationed all around the big square. From vintage clothes and furniture to every type of food stall you can imagine. It was truly an impressive market. Naturally, it was one of the biggest events of the season in this town. It's usually so busy one can barely find a parking slot, the streets teeming  with people, you'd end up spending hours just to get from one end to another. The only memories I have of this fair were from when I was a little kid. Maybe it was our luck that we came on the last day, it didn't seem as crowded as I recall.

"Can we go watch the puppet show?" Prim dragged Lilianne towards the little stall and I followed behind, content just watching her have fun, her face lighting up like a little kid reminding me of years gone by. 

"Aren't you too old for a puppet show?" Lilianne crossed her arms and stood behind the crowd of mostly young kids and their parents. Prim completely ignored her comment and watched the show attentively.

"It's alright." I stood back beside Lilianne to watch from a distance, keeping an eye on Prim. "She must have missed doing things like these."

"Obviously." She replied, zipping up her jacket. "I don't believe she's been out much since she was admitted to the clinic."

"Since when have you been with her at the clinic?" I was curious as to how they seemed to have a strong and close relationship. Lilianne probably can't tell, but Prim hangs on her every word like it's the law.

"A couple of years now." She smiled at whatever joke the puppeteer made, the crowd of kids howling in laughter. "She's made a lot of progress in the time I've known her. Primrose is strong and kind, but she's also still a kid who needs someone older and more responsible to take care of her and be there for her. That's why I agreed to help you in the first place. I want her to leave the ghost of the hard times she had at the clinic behind her and move on."

I nodded, looking at the spectacle but not really paying attention to whatever's happening. Even though I wasn't around, I just assumed that Prim would be well-taken care of. I thought she had Liam and mom. It was presumptuous and evasive of me. I should have known better. As much as it is a relief to know Lilianne has been by her side for the majority of her time spent at the clinic, it makes me feel like a failure of a brother.

"Talk to her." Lilianne's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She was looking at me attentively. "She may be stubborn and snappy but she wouldn't have been here if she hadn't already forgiven you deep down. Talk to her and make things right."

I nodded slowly. She has a point. This is my chance to explain myself and at least hope to get closer to Prim again. I cannot focus on my guilt and regret and let the present chance slip from between my hands. I wasted enough time as is.

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