"It's fine, Halstead."

"Ah, I see you've met my brother." Said Will.

"We do work together, William. You know this. You saw Antonio and I today."

"Yeah I know but now you've met the Halsteads, what do you think?"

"Definitely prefer Jay, much less annoying."

"Wow, you've hurt my feels, San."

"Ever so sorry, William."


"Bit of banter." Said San.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. Carry on your conversation." Said Will as he took a seat.

"Yeah, so she owns a shop and also makes pearl bracelets as well as shell necklaces. My dad owns a restaurant, with the best burgers you'll ever have. Trust me, I'm not being biast. If you guys ever do family BBQs, I need to make you those burgers."

"Yeah. There's actually one coming up. Severide is hosting it."

"Who?" Asked San.

"Me. I'm Kelly Severide. Lieutenant for Squad Three." He said as he held out his hand.

"Wow, so formal. Detective Sandrelly Santos. Intelligence Unit." Said San as she shook his hand.

"I swear Antonio called you San."

"Yeah, it's a nickname. Same as Ellie but only my parents call me that."

"I like your name. Very unique."

"Thanks, Kelly."

"The Boys have stolen you long enough, come join us." Said Kim as she pulled Sandrelly away.

"Alright." She said and grabbed her drink.

"I'm Sylvie Brett, Paramedic."

"Violet Mikami, Paramedic."

"Stella Kidd. Firefighter."


"Nice to meet you all. I'm Sandrelly."

"Love your name." Said Violet.


"So, how many of you have dated someone who your work with or is from med or the other services?" Laughed Sandrelly as they all let out small smiles.

"How did you know?"

"Same as Brazil, really. A lot of us ended up dating the doctors. I didn't."

"Who did you date?"

"His name was Andre. He worked at one of the clubs as a Stripper."

"Damn girl, you really scored."

"Yeah. We dated for three years until he ended up moving away to London to join Magic Mike. We stayed as friends and we still talk. He's now married, they had the wedding in Thailand because that's where she was originally from and most of her family didn't like to travel. It's beautiful out there."

"You were invited?"

"Yeah. We're still great friends."

"That's good." Said Kim.

"Who do you have your eye on?" Asked Stella.

"She's only asking because she is married to Kelly."

"Tell him to stop flirting then."

"He flirts with a lot of people." Laughed Stella.

"Ah. Got it."

"Oh shoot, did you like him?" Asked a now tipsy Kim.

"No. We had like a two second conversation. I don't really like anyone. Haven't properly got to know people."

"Ah okay." Said Kim.

Sandrelly left the girls so they could get drunk. She wasn't really in that kind of mood and just wanted to get to know people more.

"Wanna take a walk?" Asked Jay.

"Can we just sit outside? It's quieter out there."

"Of course."

"So, what do you do for fun?"

"I go for a run in the morning down by Navy Pier. I like watching the football as well as the hockey."

"Yeah I've heard the Blackhawks are good."

"Yeah. Please tell me you are a supporter."

"Would you hate me if I said I support the Oilers?"


"Okay. Good."

"So, how do you like Chicago so far?"

"Well everyone from 51 seems cool as well as the doctors and nurses from med."

"What about the job?"

"It's good. I like it. I prefer it a lot more than my old one."

"What happened in your old one?"

"Just my old Sargent. He had a lot of rules."

"Ignore Hank's rules. I dated his non biological daughter for a little bit. He soon ignored his rule. Kim and Adam are married."

"Oh wow. I just don't want to piss Voight off."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why don't you ever call him Voight or Sarge to his face?"

"I'm just trying to adjust from my old job. If you didn't call our Sargent by his name, you'd be punished."


"Sorry, I shouldn't have told you. We don't really talk about what happens in my old unit."

"I honestly don't mind. You're in Chicago, I doubt someone would be spying on you."

"Have you met The Sargent?"

"The Sargent?"

"It's how a few of us would address him behind his back. I had this friend in the unit, Sammy. Me and him were inseparable. We grew up together and did almost everything together. Something happened in the unit and he turned on me. I don't know why but they all kind of turned into mini versions of The Sargent. That's why I had to leave. And other reasons."


"It's getting late. I should get going. See you tomorrow, Jay."

"I didn't mean to scare you off."

"You didn't."

Sandrelly left the bar and caught a cab back to her apartment. The rest of the unit stayed at the bar until closing time.

As Jay was walking to his truck, Antonio stopped him and practically jumped on his back.

"Jeez, calm down."

"She's a surfer. She lied about it but she used to surf. Like professionally."


"Sandrelly. Watch this."

Sure enough, it was Sandrelly. She had made it through every heat and was on her last one. She did a flip in mid air and landed perfectly before doing another one and then two in a row.

"Wow. She's really good." Said Jay.

"Exactly but why lie about it."

"Everyone has things they want to keep hidden. It's not like you've told her much about yourself. No one has. We've found out a lot about her but she doesn't know us. She's just keeping her guard up."

"I know but isn't it so cool."

"Yes it's great Antonio. Stop fan girling and go home. We have work tomorrow."

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