Chapter 32

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We were losing. Once I had killed Casey more vamps had shown up, we were outnumbered before, but we could still fight them off, but now ? It was like a massacre, each of us had maybe three or four leeches to fight off.

I kicked a leech into a tree before staking another, I ducked and spun around before twisting one's neck and staking it. I heard one behind me so I went to turn but was pinned to the ground by the neck.

"Die bitch," she sneered before punching me in the jaw, I tried to get her off but failed, I bit into her arm, making her yelp before throwing her off, where she was caught mid air by a red wolf, she was bitten in half and landed with a thud on the floor.

"The hell ?" I looked up and instantly recognised the wolf. "Thanks for joining the party," he let out a yip before ten other wolves joined him in fighting the leeches. I ran at another leech, jumping onto the back of them and ripping off their head. I looked around, trying to spot Stefan and Archer, I saw that the wolves had helped a great deal, I scanned through the mass of blood and bodies of the leeches before spotting them, making my blood run cold.

"Bye bye," Stefan rammed the sword through Archer's chest, Archer froze, staring at the blood before he began coughing up the blood.

"NOOOO!" Everyone stopped as I screamed, I ran over to them, reaching them as Archer hit the ground, I dropped to my knees next to him. "No, no, no, no, you are not going to die," The tears streamed down my face as I pulled out the sword before putting pressure on the wound.

"Avalon," Stefan tried to pull me back but I shoved him off.

"No, he can't die," I started to pump his chest, hoping to get his heart starting again.

"Avalon," Stefan tried again, I shrugged him off when he touched my shoulder.

"No!" I choked out a sob. "I c-can't, I can't lose him too," I kept pumping his chest, trying to keep my hope, but it was fading fast.

"Avalon, let him go," Stefan held onto my shoulder, I spun around and stabbed him in the stomach.

"This is your fault," I held him down by his throat, stake positioned over his heart, the only thing stopping me from killing him was his hand on mine, pushing me back.

"I did what I had to do," Stefan held his gaze with mine.

"Killing Lincoln, did you have to do that ?" I moved slightly, so I was basically straddling him, trying to push in the stake. "Chloe, my parents, Skye, Pandora, did they have to die ?!"

"No," my glared hardened. "They were just collateral damage, you were always the real prize," he flipped us over so I was on the floor, I was using all my strength to push the stake in. "Always."

"You disgust me," I flipped us back over. "You are nothing, you are a killer and a monster."

"What are you then ?" He pinned me back down. "I did everything for you, can't you imagine it ? We would be unstoppable, invincible even. Can't you imagine it ?"

"No," I flipped us over and pushed down on the stake, despite it not moving an inch. "Because I could never love a monster."

"If you can't, how did you ever expect Archer to truly love you ?" I felt the stake start to move. "Because there is one person who's a bigger monster them me," the stake started to slowly slip from his grasp towards his chest. "You," the stake was let go and was then embedded in his chest, I gasped as he watched me as the life drained from his eyes. I let go of the stake before rolling over onto my back, my breathing began laboured and I fought to keep my eyes open.

"Avalon ? Avalon stay with me," Hunter's panicked face was the last thing I saw before being taken under by darkness.







I know they are really short chapters but I didn't want to ramble on and bore you all x


CatJ xx

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