Chapter 13

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I groaned and stretched out my arms, after the fire died out we went inside to sleep, and somehow I was the one to end up sleeping on the sofa downstairs. I got up and made myself coffee.

"Morning," Chloe walked in and poured herself a cup of coffee. "How'd you sleep ?"

"Alright, woke up a few times," I looked down at my sugary coffee. "Haven't been able to sleep properly for the last few months."

"Understandable," Tyler walked in and stood opposite me. "I don't think I'd sleep after spending a few months with Stefan."

"We should get Vicky up, I promised Archer I would we would be back before noon," Chloe nodded and ran upstairs to wake Vicky.

"How are you doing with all of this ?" Tyler asked. "And don't lie and say fine so we don't worry about you, because honestly if you're fine we have a problem," I let out a low chuckle.

"Honestly ? I'm surviving, and at the moment, that's enough for me."

"Okay, we are up and ready to go," Vicky and Chloe bounced into the kitchen.

"Could I drive ?" I held up Tyler's keys. Chloe and Tyler shared a look.

"Are you sure ? You haven't drove since-" Vicky cut him off.

"Actually she drove the night we escaped from Stefan's," Tyler's eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"Really ?" Chloe asked.

"Yeppers, now can I ?" He nodded and I squealed before giving him a bear hug. "Thank you," I kissed his cheek before running out to the car.

"Let's go!" Chloe jumped in the front with me as the others grudgingly got in the back.

"Honey we're home!" I pushed open the door, we walked into the kitchen to find Dayton, Hunter, Archer and Raine in there. "Hey," I walked over and kissed Archer on the cheek.

"Good morning," He smiled and pulled me onto his lap. "How was your night ?"

"We had a good night," I smiled at the others.

"Mornin'" Nadia walked in and put a blood bag in the microwave, she started to sniff the air. "Does anyone else smell blood ?"

"You just put a bag in the microwave," Raine pointed out.

"No, like dead blood," She looked to the back door. I slowly got up towards the door, when I opened it bile rose up my throat. "What is it ?"

"Skye and Pandora," I ran down the steps to where both bodies looked beaten and bruised, blood all over each of them. Everyone else walked out to see what happened.

"What's in her hand ?" Dayton pointed at Skye's hand, I bent down and saw there was a note in her hand, I pulled it out of her grasp and felt my blood go cold. "What does it say ?"

Guess who's next ?

There was an arrow pointed towards the left of me, I followed the arrows direction to see it pointing at Chloe. I used my Pure Blood hearing to listen around when I heard what sounded like a woman chuckling and shuffling before saying. "Bye bye girly."

"No," I jumped up using inhuman speed and dived infront of Chloe as a knife came hurtling towards her, thankfully I blocked it and it lodged it's self in my shoulder. Archer and Hunter ran into the woods after the culprit. "DON'T KILL HER, WE NEED HER ALIVE!"

"Oh god, Av," Nadia dropped to her knees next to me with her hands around the hilt of the knife. "This is gonna sting."

"Just do it," I hissed as she pulled it out of my shoulder. "Thanks," Archer and Hunter reappeared carrying a limp red head in their arms. "Take her to the basement, I'll deal with her."

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