Chapter 17

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"Hey guys, we're out of blood," Vicky walked in with an empty mug.

"I'll go get it, anyone else coming ?" I got up, putting my plate in the sink.

"I will," Nadia shot up immediately, like she couldn't wait to get out of here.

"I'll come too," Hunter got up, taking his and Nadia's plates up with him. "I'll drive, and besides you guys need someone to compel them."

"Okay, let me grab my shoes," I pulled on my converse. "Be back in a bit," I gave Archer a kiss on the cheek before meeting the others in the car, I sat in the back with Nadia, who kept tapping her foot anxiously. "You okay ?"

"What ? Yeah, good, fine, great," I eyed her suspiciously before looking to her wrists where her veins looked darker then normal.

"Are you sure ?" She nodded so I left her be, hoping it wasn't anything bad, I mean, she'd tell us right ?

"We're here," Hunter parked the car and we climbed out, I lead them to the desk and let Hunter do this thing to get the blood, we were waiting for it when I spotted someone glaring at me, it took me a second to figure it out but I soon realised it was one of Casey's men, next to him were five other men. We were outnumbered, I grabbed Nadia and Hunter's hands and started running.

"Where are we going ?" Nadia asked from besides me.

"Ben's friends are about to use us as snack bars," I turned a corner and found a stair well, I pushed the others infront of me and sprinted up to the second floor, we flung open the door before turning a corner and finding a janitor closet. "It'll have to do," I shoved them both in and closed the door, locking us in a pitch black room.

"Oh little Purity, where are you ?" I held my breath as one of them stopped outside the door, Hunter had to hold Nadia so she didn't give us away. "Come out, come out, wherever you whore," I bit my tongue to keep from shouting at him. When he heard no reply he walked away and we all let out a breath.

"Thank god," I felt around until I found the light switch, once lit we saw it was a smallish box room we were in.

"Do you think we could just grab the blood and run ?" Nadia's eyes darkened as Hunter said the word blood.

"I'll have a look," I went to open the door but it seemed jammed, I tried it again, same result. "Damn it," I tried pulling and still no prevail.

"What's going on ?" Hunter came and looked at the door, also trying the handle.

"They must have locked the door," I stood back and tried to run and hit it but it wouldn't open.

"Av," We both looked back to Nadia to see her eyes glowing, her fangs out, her veins back and the veins around her eyes black. And suddenly all clicked.

"You haven't fed," I stepped closer. "When was the last time you fed Nad ?"

"Three days ago," A few tears fell from her eyes as she clutched her stomach.

"Why didn't you feed ?" I knelt down so we were eye level.

"There was only a few blood bags left, and you guys were supposed to go for a blood run soon enough anyway so I left the blood bags for Vicky and waited it out, I could handle blood lust better then her but..." She groaned. "It hurts so much Av, I figured Vic meant more to you guys and I was just some stray you picked up, so I thought it didn't matter if I fed or not."

"You know that's not true Nad," I shook my head, she needed blood. Now. "We need to get out," I continued to try and break down the door.

"I don't want to hurt you," Nadia cried softly, rocking back and forth in the corner.

"Nadia listen to me," Hunter sat infront of Nadia, she cried harder and tried to push him away but he held onto her wrists making her look at him. "Please listen to me."

"I don't want to hurt you," tears streamed down her face, almost breaking my heart.

"Nadia, I promise you, you mean as much to us as Vicky, we are family and we love you," Hunter moved closer to Nadia. "Of course we care if you feed or not, we care about you, you aren't just a stray, you, like Raine, Max, Damien, Chloe, Vicky, Tyler and Dayton, hell even Avalon were all added to our little group, one by one, everyone is important and that includes you."

"I don't want pity," Nadia managed to choke out.

"This isn't pity, we care about you, I care about you," Hunter rolled up his shirt sleeve and offered Nadia his wrist. "Drink up."

"I can't, I-" I cut her off.

"Nad either you drink from me or from him," I gave her a look telling her we weren't backing down.

"Nad," Hunter brought her attention back to him. "We hate seeing you in pain, so please, I am begging you, just drink," she looked at him for a minute before biting into his wrist. I looked away to try and figure a way out when I heard them.

"Did you hear that speech ? I almost gagged," it was the guy who called me a whore.

"Whatever, we leave them in there long enough and she'll be forced to kill the blood whore," My blood boiled at the second guys words.

"Thank you," Nadia's voice brought me back into the room, I looked back at them.

"What's wrong ?" Hunter asked, I guess I looked as livid as I felt.

"They are outside listening," I rolled my shoulders and faced the door. "When I say I want you two to run, grab the blood, take it to the car then come back."

"Why ?" I looked back to Nadia and by the look on her face she understood I needed to get my anger out. "Good luck."

"Don't need it," I smirked before standing back and kicking the door open, it flew off it's hinged and hit the wall opposite. "Now," Hunter and Nadia ran down the stairs, leaving me with six big, bulky leeches.

"Little girl want to play with the big boys now ?" I recognized him as the one who called me a whore.

"If you can keep up," I smirked. He glared before running and attacking, I quickly snapped his neck and threw him into a wall, another two guys attack, I used some knifes I had hidden in my boots and cut off their heads in one clean sweep. Another one ran at me while one grabbed me from behind, I lifted my feet in the air and kicked moron one infront onto the floor before flipping my legs up, wrapping my legs around his neck and pulling him down so we both flipped us over onto the ground. I used a stake and killed him before jumping up and doing the same to moron one, the only one left was the guy who had called Nadia a blood whore.

"She told us you were weak, that she'd give us everything if we could kill you," he was on his knees, looking very close to begging for his life. "She said you wouldn't kill us, you would show mercy."

"Well here's reality," I stepped behind him. "There is two things Casey doesn't know about me."

"What's that ?" He gulped.

"One," I held a knife to the base of his throat. "I will never stop fighting."

"And two ?" His heart rate showed how scared he was, but he made his choice, now he had to deal with the consequences.

"No hesitation," I grabbed his hair, pulled him backs and shoved the stake deep into his chest.

"Avalon," I looked up to see Nadia and Hunter waiting for me.

"Let's go, we're done here," I stepped over the dead bodies and walked away.

Tainted Blood [3]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora