Chapter 26

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My head whipped to the side accompanied by a growl.

"Shut up you mut," I turned to see Casey and Archer glaring at each other, I shifted my body to find them tied to the chair. "You're lucky I didn't skin you for a coat."

"Play nice Casey, you shouldn't tempt a dog who's bite is worse then it's bark," I smirked and tried to sit up properly. "What's with the restraints?"

"Well I wouldn't want you to get the upper hand now would I ?" I rolled my eyes and pulled on the ropes.

"So, now you have me, what are you going to do to me ?" I looked around the room, acting like I was disinterested.

"Well Stefan seems infatuated with you, and I want you dead," I snorted.

"Sounds like my options are limited, dead by you or be Stefan's play toy," I pretended to think about it for a minute. "I think I'd rather die," I said smiling.

"Good choice," Casey walked over to a table full of knifes, she picked up a dagger and walked back over to me. "But let's have some fun before hand."

"No !" Archer started struggling, making the chair hop up and down. "Let her go!"

"Keep him still," Casey ordered, two men walked over to Archer before holding him down as he cursed.

"Archer," He looked me in the eye at the sound of my voice. "Stop," he held my eye for a minute before sagging in his chair.

"Good little mut," Casey taunted before shoving the dagger into my right leg, I tensed but kept eye contact with her. "Oh Purity, what a shame," she pushed the dagger in further. "You could have joined us."

"I'd rather die," I never looked away, looking away would show weakness.

"Stop! Please!" Archer started to thrash around.

"Shut him up!" The two leeches punched him, I never looked away, never looked over, even once they had stopped beating him. "Look, you're poor little lover boy, beaten and bruised, all because of you," Casey laughed and stepped back, leaving the knife in my leg.

"Are you done yet ?" I sat back, ignoring the pain radiating from my leg.

"Really ?" Casey looked me up and down laughing. "Ben really must have done a number on you, huh ?" Archer growled at her.

"You are an evil bitch," Archer sneered.

"Does he know about Ben ?" Casey asked, taking the knife out of my leg and pulling my shirt forward. "Does he know that Purity," she cut my shirt open, exposing my scars fully, along with my tattoo. "Isn't so pure ?"

"Yes, although Stefan beat him to kill your lapdog," I knew I shouldn't wind her up, but I refused to show fear.

"You are getting very mouthy," Casey stabbed the knife into my left bicep. "Careful, next time it'll be your tongue," she smiled before walking over to the door. "Have your fun boys, better be good since she'll be dead by tomorrow," and with that she left.

"Hello beautiful," a tall brunette walked up to me, there were two other guys by Archer, leering at me. Brunette kept his eyes on my chest. "I heard from Benny boy you're a screamer," My eyes went to Archer, he looked like disgusted, he caught my eye and I saw all the sorrow in his eyes.

"I don't scream," I kept my eyes on Archer while talking to him.

"Let's see shall we ?" He got on his knees, tilting his head so he could lick up the blood there, I shivered in disgust, he mistook it for pleasure and chuckled. "This is going to be fun," he started to move his head up my thigh causing me to tense up. "Don't worry, it'll feel good."

"Pretty sure it won't for you," I glared at him, I looked over at my left, seeing the knife when a plan popped up in my mind. "Why don't you come up here and show me some real fun ?" The men behind Archer laughed.

"Looks like your whore doesn't love you as much as you thought," one of the men whispered in Archer's ear.

"Really ?" The Brunette stood up and leered over me, he leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head so he got my neck instead.

"You gotta earn that," I tried putting on a sexy voice, hoping he'd play along. And he did. He started to kiss down from my jaw, when he reached my chest I spoke again. "Why don't you untie me and I can show you the real fun ?" He looked up and I smirked.

"These ropes have six knots, they won't be easy to untie," I bit my lip, pretending to think.

"I have a knife in my shoulder, use it to cut the ropes," I tried pushing my chest out, hoping to convince him, nodded eagerly and pulled out the knife, he cut the ropes holding my legs to the chair, when he got up I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer. "Better hurry, or I may get impatient."

"Got it," he cut off the ropes so I wrapped my arms around his neck, I heard the knife clang on the floor.

"Sit down," he turned and sat in the chair, me straddling him, I smirked before sliding to the floor and slowly taking off my shirt, I grabbed the knife and wrapped the sleeve of the shirt around the hilt before slowly climbing back up and pulling him closer with my shirt around his neck. "Ready for some fun ?"

"Hell yes," I smirked before plunging the dagger into his chest, he gasped and dropped his head, I stood up and looked at the other two men.

"Come get me," they charged, I grabbed my shirt and used it as a whip, I swung it around and managed to slice open one of their throats, I ran at the other and slid under his legs while he ran, I used the shirt, wrapped his neck from behind and jumped up on his back before kicking my heel into his back, impaling hid heart, as he fell to the floor I turned to Archer.

"Ready to get out of this hell hole ?"

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