Panicking, Panicking, Never Quitting

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A/N : GUYSSSSS I FOUND GRUMPY JOHNNYCAKE JHGKWUEGHDUKYGWKUUJDS I'M SCREAMING RN OMFG (Caption this image) POV : Someone tells me The Outsiders isn't a good movie

Also- Soft Dally ahead. Ugh. Sorry. Didja really expect Dally to go off on poor Y/N, who's like a sister to him, as she's sobbing and having a panic attack? Y'all- (I'm sorry I hate this, too)

What's Y/N doing? POV :

You went to the Curtis' house after your mother kicked you out. When you got there, Darry was pacing back and forth. Sodapop was on the couch, snoring loudly. Ponyboy was nowhere to be seen.

"D-Darry?" you whispered from the doorway. He turned to you and sighed when he realized it was you, and not, presumably, Ponyboy. "Wh-what's going o-on?"

"Pony ran out . . . I . . . I hit him." Darry looked down, ashamed. You walked over and wrapped your arms around him quickly then pulled away. "I don't know where he is," he told you.

"I- I can g-go look for h-him. If- If you want."

Darry nodded. "Please." You nodded and turned back to leave. Darry put his hand on your shoulder. You turned to him. "Be . . . be careful, Y/N. I dunno what we'd do if we lost all three of ya." You nodded again.

You found them at a park. You ran over to them, you could hear them talking. As you got closer, you heard Johnny say he killed someone. You froze in your tracks, a few feet in front of them. There was a boy on the ground, maybe 18 years old, surrounded by a dark puddle. Past him, Johnny was on the ground, his eyes wide, and his switchblade out. You made eye contact. That's when it hit you. My Johnny killed someone. You panicked, turning back and running. Where? You didn't know. (A/N : lmfao even I don't know)

A few minutes later, curled up on someone's roof, you rocked back and forth. *You messed up. You shouldn't have ran.* You stood up, your eyes shifting to the direction of where Johnny was. Pulling your hair into a ponytail, you hopped off of the roof and dodged an old lady's slipper as she threw whatever she could at you, cursing and yelling.

(*A/N : I would just like to say, this isn't true. Y/N only thinks they messed up, they didn't really. Please remember that nothing is only ever your fault and it's okay to panic and run from your problems every once and a while. I hope you know that.*)

When you got to the park again, the boys were nowhere to be found. You slowly made your way over to the body and examined him. It was that Soc from before. Bob, was that his name? You ran your finger through the puddle and held it up to the light. Blood. You sighed and stood up, looking around. You wiped your finger in the wet grass and wiped your eyes of the tears. Where were they? God, I really screwed up, didn't I?

You wondered where you should go. The first place that popped into your head was Dallas. He would know what to do, right? He would know where Johnny went. You were pretty sure he was at a party. But at whose house? Buck's? Hank's? Tim's?

Buck's, you was pretty sure. So you went there, holding back your tears. You knocked on the door, music and laughter loud from inside. Buck Merril opened the door. When he saw you, he leaned up against the doorframe, licking his lips. "Well, hello there, darlin'. How might I help ya tonight?"

(A/N : You can leave me tf alone b-tch istg-)

Your leg twitched. A tear rolled down your cheek. "I need ta see D-Dally," you said, your voice cracking. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Man, Dal's gettin' ever'one tonight. Tch." He disappeared and after a few minutes, Dallas, shirtless, appeared. He was surprised to see you, standing in the dark, crying.


You shot forward, wrapping your arms around him. You sobbed into his chest. He hesitated, but held you close. "What's goin' on, N/N?" he asked, leading you upstairs. He flipped off a snickering boy as you passed.

"I m-messed up, Dal, I r-really messed up." He sat you down on a bed and you pulled your knees to your chest. "I-" You couldn't finish the sentence. You started to bawl. You pulled at your hair, pulling out the elastic and flinging it across the room.

Dally held you until your eyes dried up and listened to you explain that you bolted and how you were worried for Johnny and Pony. He listened until you were slurring your words, until your eyes wouldn't stay open, until you were asleep, shaking as your heart raced and your hands released their grip on his arm.

That's when you started to dream.

A/N : Tragic Backstory in next chapter, ooOOOohh!

What's Dally's nickname for you?

POV : You were in The Outsiders play ;P And got to be in a scene with Johnny B)

-Stay Gold

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