You Can Return The Clothes Later

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A/N : Caption this image !

When you woke up, you was in bed. You shot up, because this wasn't your bed. You didn't have one. You looked around. "W-what?" There was a pile of clean-looking folded clothes on a chair next to the bed. A note was sitting on top of it.

Dear mystery girl,

You can wear these clothes. They're clean. We figured that you might want some new clothes since yours were all wet and bloody.

Sincerely, Darrel, Ponyboy, and Sodapop Curtis

It was true. You looked at yourself. Your (colour) dress was damp, as were the sheets you were laying on. There was a patch of dark blood on your chest and you remembered your bloody nose. "Oh." You swung your legs off of the bed and stood up, your side aching. You picked up the clothes and looked around before changing.

It was a blue flannel shirt, three sizes too big and some skinny jeans, fit perfectly. You looked down at yourself, feeling a bit weird for wearing someone else's clothes. You quietly opened the door to see a bunch of boys lounging on a couch, watching what sounded like Mickey Mouse.

"Hey! She's awake," one of the taller boys said. He walked over, grinning. "Shoot, Johnnycake, ya got yerself a pretty one!" He held out his hand. "I'm Two-Bit Mathews." You didn't say anything.

"Leave her alone, Two-Bit," said a shorter boy. He was a few inches taller than you, with brown hair, heavily greased. "Hi, I'm Ponyboy Curtis. I'm glad the clothes fit." You nodded, trying to make yourself as small as possible. Ponyboy led you to the living room. An extremely tall boy handed you a bottle of water. "This is my big brother, Darry," Ponyboy explained.

You stood awkwardly, holding the water in your hand. That's when you saw the boy from earlier. He was sitting on the couch off to the side and staring at you. You gave him a weak smile and he blushed.

"Y'already know Johnnycake, dont'cha," Two-Bit laughed, throwing his arm around the boy. "Do ya know her name? She seems too shy ta' say it herself!" Johnny shook his head.

"Y-Y/N," you whispered, embarrassed.

"Hm? Whatcha say?" another boy asked. He was handsome. "I didn't hear you."

"She said her name's Y/N," Johnny said for you. You sighed a breath of relief, not having to repeat yourself, and gave him a thankful smile. He blushed again.

"Pretty name," the handsome boy smiled. "I'm Sodapop Curtis. Nice to meet you," he said. You smiled softly.

"Bet you have a home to get back to, dont'cha," Darry walked back into the living room. "You can leave now if you want to. You're welcome to stay, though." You nodded and turned to the door. You didn't want to be rude, but also didn't want to stay in a room with so many strangers. You waved them goodbye and left.

A/N : This one is on me. I was struggling with figuring out how to get Y/N to leave, so I figured this would suffice. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

-Stay Gold

Burning in Broken, Golden Love (Johnny Cade x Reader / Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now