*Sandrelly's Pov*

I don't mind people calling me San, a lot of people call me it. I hate when people shout it.

My old unit was very different. If you called our Sargent by the wrong name or called him Sarge, even if you called him Sir, he would call you into his office and then punish you. There was always different punishments but the main one would be a slap round the face or a fist to the stomach. There was much worse punishments but I've only ever had to deal with one once.

*One Year Ago*

"Sargent James, I really don't think we should enter. Not without more backup."

"I took you into my unit because people said you were brave, not a pussy. Put your big girl pants on and follow me."

"I refuse to enter. I'm not having my body be rolled out in a body bag for my family to have to look at."

He grabbed me by my top and slammed my head into the wall before grabbing me by my hair.

"If I were you, I would get moving."

"Yes Sarge."

"What did you just say?"

"Yes, Sargent James."

"Let's go."

We walked in with our guns raised and went through each room before we stopped to look at an open book case.

"How typical." I whispered.

"Go on." He said.

"Are you not coming with?"

"I'll search the upstairs."

"Okay. We'll go together."

"You follow my orders. Go."

"That's not how we do things."


"I'm sorry. I meant you."

"Exactly. Go."

As soon as I stepped through the door, I knew something was wrong. The place was brightly lit up and it was empty. Why keep a door open if there was nothing to see?

I turned around as quick as I could and legged it up the stairs but it was too late.

There he was.

Blood dripping down his face and soaking through his shirt. I dived down to the floor as shots went off. I fired back but they just ran. We had been chasing these people for three years. One hundred people had died because of them. I looked down to my Sargent, who was reaching his arm up to me.

"I'm sorry, Sarge. You've always said do your job not the Paramedics."

Shots fired at West Street 557, calling for backup. Roll and ambulance to my address as soon as possible.

I ran out the door and after the suspects. It was hard to find them but eventually, I was chasing them down a street shooting forwards as they shot back. I hopped the fence and then a wall before running out into the road. A police car came out and hit one suspect and I left the cops to deal with him as I carried on running. We were coming up to a bridge that was in the process of being built.

I ran as far as I could and watched them jump into the water perfectly. They bobbed back up before they began swimming. I looked down and just froze. I can't. It's not the fear of jumping, it's the fear of being surrounded by water.

I called for water police and then turned around to be met with Sammy, my bestfriend.

"Where are they?" He asked.

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