Chapter 11

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Violet King

My heart does a weird fluttery thing at the sight a Kev sleeping peacefully on Ace's bare chest.

Kevin's eyes flutter open as he does a cute stretch and yawn sticking his tongue out.

"Good morning baby. How are you."I reach out to give him a little pet on his head when Ace speaks.

"Good morning bellisima. I'm good." He responds in his deep groggy morning voice that shouldn't have turned me on as much as it did.

Ignoring the feeling in my lady region I roll my eyes at the man beside me. "I wasn't speaking to you, but it's nice to know that you're good."

The memories of last night comes flooding through my mind like a tsunami. I can't help but wonder what he thinks of me now that he know about some of the stuff I went through. Now that he knows about the girls and that I was almost raped. Does he still me the same? Does he still want to take me out or whatever stuff he was talking about back at my apartment? Does he think I'm weak? I know he said that I'm strong last night but I can't help but wonder if he was only saying that so I didn't feel bad.

He knows my weaknesses now what if he uses that against me?

I don't think he would do that but if there's one thing life has taught me is that even the people you think would never do you like that, will do you like that.

I just can't believe I laid it all out there in the open for him just cause he held me and showed me comfort. Comfort I haven't felt in years.

"Stop overthinking Violet." How the fuck did he know? Witch?

"I wasn't overthink—

"Yes you were" he interrupts. "Last night you were vulnerable and opened up to me and now you're more aware of everything that happened you're worried that everything you told me I can use it against you or treat you differently when I would never do either of those things Amore." He turns to his side resting his palm on my cheek stroking it with his thumb just like he did last night.

"I'm sorry I'm just

"Scared." He finishes.

"Yeah I guess I am." He places a kiss on my forehead just as Kev smacks him in the face with his paw.

"Greedy bitch." Ace grumbles.

"Don't call him that you asshole." I smack his chest pulling Kev into my embrace to give him some love. "He just wants some love. Right Kev?"

Ace let's out a few curses under his breath as he tosses the covers over us on his way out of the bed.


I pause at the sight of Ace in nothing but a t-shirt and his boxer briefs rubbing his hand up and down his face he lets out a harsh sigh bring them down to rest on his hips as he strides across the room his very defined muscles on display. The white t-shirt he was wearing did nothing to hide the massive bulk of his trapezius, pectorals, deltoids much less his biceps and triceps. His thighs seemed to strain the seams of the boxers and I get a view of his very nice bubble but as he disappears into the bathroom.

"Did you see that Kev? That man is ripped." I whisper down at Kev as quietly as possible so that Mr.Arrogant doesn't hear me.


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