Chapter Fifteen

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Marigold covered her mouth and laughed when Haven whispered something to her.

I smiled at them from across the room and set my book down. "Now what is so humorous, Haven? I want to laugh as well."

Haven looked away with that same innocence in her eyes. She never spoke to anyone except for Marigold. Although it had been months, I couldn't remember if I had ever heard her voice. It didn't truly matter, though. I'd grown to adore her presence anyway, and I knew Marigold loved her more than anything.

Marigold lowered her hands and grinned. "Oh, she only said your stomach has gotten so huge." Then she glanced down at Haven. "She is going to have a baby soon. Aren't you excited to meet the future prince or princess?"

Haven nodded.

I rose from my seat and walked over to the window, where I watched flakes of snow flutter to the ground. Gelid seemed much more peaceful this year. After the loss and heartaches we'd endured this year, the cruelest season wanted to give us some calm.

I gently rubbed my stomach, wondering when the day would come. Dr. Rolfe assured me it could be any day now. He mentioned how well I'd been handling this considering... well, considering my struggles to conceive. Despite the persistent nausea I had in the beginning, the past few months had been relatively simple.

Now most of what I felt was eagerness. Eager to meet my daughter.

Every night, before exhaustion overcame me, I would contemplate names for her. Philip sometimes offered his assistance, but none of his suggestions resonated with me. Neither did my own, honestly.

"Maybe we must wait until we meet our child," he said the other night. "Maybe then the perfect name will come to us."

He made a fair point. Yet the days were beginning to drag. My excitement weakened my patience.

"I cannot sit or stand around much longer," I announced, turning away from the window. "The snow isn't too harsh today. We should go for a walk in the garden." I smiled and gestured to Haven. "Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

Haven lowered her attention to her hands and nodded once.

Marigold stood. "It certainly does. Let us find Fayre and invite her along with us."

On our way outside, we stopped by Fayre's bedchamber. Although she seemed more content staying where she'd been, she followed suit.

During our walk, Marigold did most of the talking. She spoke of her mother's recent adventures and of all the treasures and books she had promised to send Marigold.

"More additions for the library," she said. "We can never have too many books. Literature is our greatest gift."

"Spoken like a true professor," I told her.

She beamed at me. "I can only dream." Then she sighed longingly. "Please don't get me wrong, though. I am so honored to be here with you, Tatianna."

"I know you are. Like my other ladies, you need not be here forever. I want the best for all of you."

"Even them?" asked Fayre, shaking her head. "Where are dearest Maria and Jenni, anyway?"

"I heard they were last seen near the barracks," said Marigold. "Attempting to court the highest ranked knights, no doubt. Other than nobles, who else would be the most suitable husbands for them?" She snickered to herself.

I slowed my pace slightly and pursed my lips when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I'd dealt with plenty of pains throughout these months. They often passed as nothing. Dr. Rolfe assured me these were normal.

A Princess' TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora