Chapter Ten

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I didn't necessarily "wake up" the following morning. I doubted I had ever fallen asleep. My eyes felt sore, and my eyelids were heavy. Yet I couldn't bring myself to try for any rest.

I turned onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, willing myself to feel something. Anything, truly.

Today, I am twenty years old. A mere year away from my coronation.

My throat felt tight. Not exactly the feeling I had been searching for. I wanted excitement and joy. I'd never dreaded my coronation. I'd always been so enthusiastic about my future. However, the idea of it now frightened me. I couldn't figure why, though. My chest tingled and I shakily inhaled.

With the bit of energy I mustered, I rose from my bed and got dressed for the day. I thanked the Great Holy Deity there wasn't going to be a celebration today.

However, when I arrived at the great hall, I was nearly attacked with an embrace. I gasped and then stiffened as Marigold Foyle held me against her. She came from a wealthy family who owned lands in Estria and in a few other kingdoms, such as Rerum Memoria. Her mother was a highly respected woman who traveled to various kingdoms and offered free education to children who were not fortunate enough to have any.

My parents had chosen Marigold to be one of my ladies for this reason. They saw Marigold as a great influence and wise person to have at my side, which I didn't doubt. However, it'd been years since we last spoke. I felt like I didn't know her anymore. And I desperately wanted her to let me go.

"Lady Foyle," I greeted, mustering a smile.

She finally released me and frowned. "You know I do not like that, Tatianna. You told me to not call you by your title. The least you can do is not call me Lady Foyle or Lady Marigold. Besides, Lady Foyle is my mother." She winked at me, and I saw her dark green eyes sparkle.

"I apologize. You stunned me, though. I wasn't expecting a visit from you."

Fayre walked up from behind her. "She arrived just a moment ago and said she wouldn't have missed today for anything else in Aristol."

Marigold giggled. "It is your birthday, after all, Tatianna! In one year, you will be on the throne and caring for Aristol the way it ought to be cared for."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Are you saying my parents are not doing such a thing now?"

"If I may be honest, I believe there is plenty they haven't shared with you. Our situation with the Interlopers has gotten worse over the past few years. I feel for them, though. Most of them are only looking for food and are so frail. They sometimes use violence, but with the way many people here treat them, I cannot blame them. They've been wronged for centuries."

My heart leaped. She was right; I had not heard anything about that from my mother. The last time I inquired about the Interlopers, she told me all had been quiet, and that perhaps the Interlopers had finally decided to stay where they belonged.

I felt my cheeks burn as I replayed that last part in my mind. No, I was remembering it all wrong. My mother had said it much kinder than that...

"You cannot justify their actions, Marigold," Fayre told her.

Marigold smiled at her. "Trust me when I say that the Interlopers would be much better people if they were not cast aside like mongrels. I have faith in our Tatianna here to do the right thing for them."

"Does it feel heavy to carry around such an enormous heart?" Fayre's lips twitched. "It truly is good to see you again, Marigold."

Although I wished to smile as well, the guilt in my stomach and chest overpowered me. I swallowed hard a few times and then jumped when I heard Philip address me from behind.

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