Chapter Six

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"Although I appreciate you coming to me for this, I refuse," Edward said, walking past me.

I gawked at his back before going after him. "Eddie, must I beg?"

He shrugged. "It won't change my mind, but I'd get a laugh." Then he stopped in his tracks and spun around. "Why would you ever believe I would help you go somewhere alone with him?"

"Quit behaving like this. Philip is a nice man! He wants to see the ruins of the grand temple and write a more accurate history."

Edward scratched his head. "He does well in keeping up with the same lie. At the very least, I can appreciate that." Then he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm disappointed my warning from earlier did not deter you."

"Your greatest fear about him is that he purposely came here for me—"

"For an opportunity."

I huffed and looked away from him. "The need for power lies in the blood of nobility and royalty. We know this from our experiences already. It wouldn't surprise me if you were right about Philip. If it is true, whose to say I wouldn't choose him still?"

"Don't tell me you are already falling for his charm?"

I didn't say anything, and Edward gawked at me.

"You've known him for a day."

"And nobody has ever fascinated me the way he does." I folded my arms across my chest, and he smiled at me like he wanted to laugh. "You've never felt that way about anyone? Truly, Eddie, you've never felt your breath stutter whenever a certain someone is around? Never found yourself smiling at any little thing they said? Never yearned to spend more moments of your days with them, even if secretly? Sweetest little secret you'd ever have?"

That struck a nerve. I knew this from the way his nostrils flared, and how he tried his best not to pucker his lips too thoughtfully. I knew this very well, for they were mannerisms we had picked up from each other. A dreadful shame for him. I would sometimes dare to say I knew Edward better than he knew himself.

As we stared in silence, I concluded he was now aware I knew about his love. He wouldn't dare ask, and I wouldn't admit to it. We would continue as is because he wanted it this way, and I wouldn't dare press him.

Then Edward pointed his forefinger right in my face. "You are going to owe me for this, Anna."

And I smiled. He wouldn't make me repay him for this. He never did, even if he said so. Yet I agreed to it, anyway. As I always did.

I did not often ride horses anymore. It used to be my favorite passing time with Edward and Fayre when we were slightly younger. We never went too far, because we were always escorted by knights and didn't want them to worry.

Although it had been sometime, my trusted appaloosa never failed me. Star was a loyal mare. I tried my best to visit her often, and her appreciation for that showed as she led the way calmly. She knew how unsteady I could be on her back, but she took care of me.

We trailed behind Philip and Edward's stallion Checker for a short while. Despite Edward's strong belief that Checker would eventually toss Philip off, the two had made a good pair so far.

Right now, Edward was somewhere else. Yet he'd convinced everyone he'd gone out riding with me, and that Sir Gail (who was currently out of town) was accompanying us as well. How he managed to fool everyone so easily was beyond me.

It honestly worried me sometimes how much my brother could lie. He did it with such ease. I had to at least rehearse beforehand, but he made it all up on the spot. Never a hitch in his breath or a pause in his sentences.

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