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Sasuke POV :

Night, my favorite time of the day.

Not only for the darkness it shed that swallows everything, whether it is big or small, or for the serenity, but for the presence of stars.

Yes, I love the night, especially if those tiny diamonds decorated it.

They never failed to fascinate me, they are small- the way we see them- and far away, but that never deter them from making their presence known, by emerging through the veil of blackness that the night shed.

Their light illuminate the place, while the night robe us from one of our senses; sight, the stars helps us regain it.

Which shows us that there is no darkness without a light, no evil without goodness and there is no such thing as a pitch-black soul.

Even though the answer is written in the stars, I still can't believe it.

My existence put this claim to shame, for I am wicked and evil without a tinge of goodness in me.

The moment my world turned upside down, I stopped believing.

Everything that was once good and innocent in me was snatched ruthlessly, without a hint of mercy.

I tried holding on to the speck of light that remained, after my family was brutally slaughtered and my brother's unforgivable betrayal, I truly tried, but it was in vain because later on, I realized it was the only thing holding me back.

It was supposed to act as my savior, my salvation from the wickedness that wanted to swallow my humanity and turn me into a cold-hearted monster, but in doing so, it also kept me ten steps away from my goal; it chained me and made me its prisoner.

That's why I decided to let it go.

Let go of that speck of light, of the hope of being saved and surrendered to the darkness within.

It unbidden my chains and set me free, I can now kill whoever I want without feeling guilty, I can torture, steal; I can do whatever I like.... whatever is needed to be done, to get me a step closer to my goal and it did.

The lightness kept a tight grip on my emotions and humanity, on my sanity, but now I lost it all and it turned me into a the monster I feared becoming. A beast void of emotions.

Only hatred remained, for it was ingrained in me, carved into my being at a tender age, slowly feasting on the young heart of mine, distorting the tiniest good feeling I've I don't even know what it feels like anymore.

Happiness, love, and care.

So foreign.

All these emotions never found it's way into my heart anymore, it's like the hatred have settled and infested the place, leaving no room for anything else.

I often wonder, what is it like to feel cared for? Loved maybe?

'Stop it, Sasuke, you are over thinking, besides these emotions are nothing but weakness there is no benefit in thinking about silly things that you'll never get a chance to experience.'

No one would even think to approach me now- not like I want anyone to do so- I like solitude and being friendless... it's for the best. I once had a friend and look how we ended up.

Bittersweet RevengeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ