Formation of team yamato

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Chapter: 3 {edited}

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I opened my eyelids, to close them a second later when I felt a bright light hit my face and blur my vision instantly. The comforting morning heat slipped through the slightly opened curtains allowing the sun rays to intrude and spread its warmth in the room.

I did my usual daily routine. I took a shower, brushed my hair, and put on my outfit. I had a really fast breakfast and headed to the Hokage's office.

The comforting heat and the presence of a calming breeze indicated that it was early morning, 8 o'clock to be more precise. No, I don't have a keen sense of detecting time, I asked.

I walked at a leisurely pace, not in a hurry even though it is the Hokage who requested my presence. I follow my own rules. No one tells me what to do, not even a Hokage, okay, that's a lie.

If I want to keep my head upon my shoulders, I'll have to comply, but I can't deny that streak of rebellion to rear its troublesome head once in a while. Living by your own rules and under no village restriction, can do that to you. But, I'm not stupid enough to irk a Hokage - maybe a little for fun's sake - especially since she had her whole life to train and I only became a ninja recently.

No, I will not trudge that memory path now! Too soon to relive the pain!

When I arrived I knocked on the door. I heard a faint, lazy 'come in' and when I stepped inside I saw that the Hokage was not alone.

There was a blonde boy wearing a black and orange jumpsuit and a girl with pink hair, like mine.

"You're late for two minutes!" The Hokage grumbled.

I simply shrugged and replied. "Lost my way, you know being new and all!"

"Who is this granny?" The blond boy interrupted while the girl with the same hair color but different shade looked at me from head to toe like she was studying me.

Is the Hokage this grandmother's boy? But she looks so young?

"This is Eve, she'll accompany you on your mission," said the Hokage nonchalantly.

"What!? Really! Hi, I'm Naruto and I'm going to be the next Hokage, believe it!"

Damn. He practically leaks of chakra, it's suffocating.

"I'm Eve," I said with a bored tone.

"What kind of name is Eve?" Naruto asked confused.

I simply raised my eyebrow at him, not giving an answer.

He's so loud and nosy. Totally, obnoxious!

A female voice made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Behave naruto! Hi, I'm Sakura," the bubble-gum headed said with a hint of suspicion.

I certainly know how to make enemies fast. But I have to say, this girl is not what she seems. She's clever! I admitted begrudgingly.

"I already said my name, no need to introduce myself twice" I answered, annoyed, wanting this silly introduction to end.

I wouldn't blame her though if she hates my guts. I practically insulted her for no reason at all only because I am not feeling social -but she doesn't know that - in front of everyone.

"According to your report, Naruto, Kakashi is injured so I decided to form a new team. You met your first temporary teammate right now, for the other... SAI, YAMATO get your asses down here right now" lady Tsunade hollered.

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