
"But...I believe you," Jesy finally admitted. "You don't lie. Not to me, at least."

"You believe me?" Perrie's eyes lit up. "So...you're not mad?"

"Mad? I'm not mad. I'm worried! You are their next target, Perrie. When you disappeared, I thought that they got you! I was about to order a search and rescue operation for you and Jade had you not turn up today. I was already preparing myself to see the worst," Jesy exclaimed. Perrie stares at Jesy for a while. It isn't every day she gets to see The Chief worry about her. "I guess it's better this way – hearing stories from you like you're some kind of a fairytale character in a book than to see you with a bullet hole in your head."

Perrie smiles at Jesy's words. True, she hasn't shared anything about her life with Jesy, but she appreciates even to this day how the woman who saved her from death years ago, still stands by her side.

"And one more thing, Perrie..." The blonde's smile faded when Jesy's voice turned serious. "An old man, who you call Uncle James, paid me a visit yesterday. He's coming here today to talk to you."


"He wants to know how you lived your life after what happened to your family."

"He already knows that; I told him everything."

Jesy shakes her head, "Not everything." They looked at each other in silence before Jesy continued, "He doesn't know how broken you are. He knew you got your revenge, but he didn't know how it destroyed you. How you hurt yourself in the process of doing it. You were full of love and kindness and purity, yet you took your chances with revenge. He didn't know that...he didn't know that you became the most dangerous person even to yourself."

Perrie was speechless. Everything that Jesy said was true. She hadn't told her Uncle everything only because she's ashamed of what she has become. But her Uncle has always been loyal to them. Even if she did confess what truly happened, he would understand her reasons.

"I'm a monster, Jes...and I'm not proud of it."

"You were not born a monster, Perrie. No one is," Jesy reminds her. "Any soul tortured, confused, hurt, and broken incidentally would not have time to mourn – that's when monsters are made. People misjudge them most of the time because they don't get to see their story." Perrie sighs and leans back on the sofa.

Then, there was a soft knock on Jesy's door. Both women turned their attention.

"That must be your Uncle. I'll leave you two alone to talk." Jesy headed for her door, but before she opened it, she turned to Perrie and stared at her belly. "You better remove that thing on your belly."

Perrie looked down and realized that she was still wearing her disguise. She swiftly removed her fake belly and placed it inside Jesy's drawer just in time for his uncle to enter the room.

Perrie and Uncle James talked for hours, clearing things up. It's the first time they talked without being interrupted by a bunch of guys who want to kill them both. And Perrie found out a lot of things – things that will force her to do something that will change her life forever.

Then, there was another knock on the door.

Jesy popped her head through the slightly opened door, "Sorry to interrupt, but the Detective has an urgent matter to address to you, Sergeant Edwards."

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