Aurelio looks, ahead stunned. This was beyond anything, he could have imagined. He tells himself that he cannot believe he is a Diaz and that Antonio is his cousin. Aurelio asks to see evidence, even as he already knows what he will find. Juan Patricio picks up the envelope and hands it to Aurelio. Aurelio opens it and stares at it. He then says he needs time to absorb everything. Juan Patricio says that is not a problem. Aurelio says to himself he now understood why he was so much like Antonio, and why they had so much in common.

Back at the Mental hospital, John is busy filling a puzzle, when nurse Rosalia comes in. She asks him how he is feeling. He says he is fine, just a little bored. Rosalia says that she has something to tell him. She tells him about the discussions she had with the doctor about moving him to a self-contained room, nearby, to create space for seriously ill patients. John is happy. He says he wants to do something that will engage his mind because he cannot sit idle all day, or he might relapse and lose all the progress he has made. He asks when he will be moving. Rosalia, says later on in the week.

Back at Montes De Alba inc, Aurelio, is on his way back to the IT offices, when he runs, into Gina. She looks at him concerned and says she wants to talk to him. Aurelio says they will talk later, after work. Gina asks him if he is okay. He says he is. Gina folds her arms and stares at him. She says that she knows something is up and it has to do with Antonio's grandfather visiting him. Aurelio remembers what Juan Patricio has just told him and Gina's suspicions are confirmed by his facial reactions. She again asks him what it is and he says that he will tell her later.

Meanwhile, Juan Patricio says(to himself) that it has already been done, and soon enough people will know that Armando is his son and Aurelio his grandson. He adds ( still to himself) that it is her (Clara's) word against his and smiles.

Shortly after,

Aurelio is already at the IT offices. Antonio looks at him worriedly but decides to ask him about it later. Antonio wonders what his grandfather is up to and what he told Aurelio.

Elsewhere, sometime later, John is happy. This is the first time since he recovered that he has been able to move around freely. He says (to himself) that he doesn't care what tasks they give him, as long as he does something productive and doesn't waste his mind.

Much later, it is the end of the day and people have already gone home. Aurelio is in the IT offices, on Antonio's machine. He hears voices and looks up. He sees Antonio, Aranza, Hector, and Martin. (Gina has gone to visit John with Anna Patricia). Aurelio rolls his eyes but closes the websites he was on. He asks them what's the problem. Aranza says that they are all worried about him and want to know what he discussed with Antonio's grandfather. Aurelio doesn't even have the energy to pretend that everything is okay. What he just found out was shocking and life-changing. Aurelio asks where Gina is. Antonio answers and says that she went with his (Aurelio's) aunt to visit John.

Aurelio asks if they told her(Anna Patricia) anything. Martin says that they agreed not to tell his (Martin's) mother or his(Aurelio's) parents or their grandparents anything until they gathered the facts. Hector asks Aurelio if he is okay. Aurelio says he is and asks to speak to Antonio alone first. Aranza pouts and asks him what is happening. He says he is okay, but he just needs to speak to Antonio first. He assures Aranza that he will talk to everyone else, but insists he has to talk to Antonio first. Aranza sulks but follows Martin and Hector out.

Elsewhere, John has just told Anna Patricia and Gina about his being moved. Anna Patricia says that she has never seen him that happy. He says he is. He says finally he can begin doing something useful because if he remains idle, he might relapse and become crazy again. They are out in the garden. Gina says this will be good because it will help the doctors paint a picture of how he was like, and this will be useful in them helping him (John) recover.

Back at the office, Antonio sits quietly. What Aurelio has told him is just shocking. Aurelio says, he doesn't know what to think. He then asks Antonio if he believes all of that. Antonio says he knows that his grandfather is not a saint and has probably, done, some bad things, but he knows his grandfather would have nothing to gain by lying about it and is telling the truth.

Antonio then adds that they should, however, talk to his grandmother to get her side of the story. Antonio says that his (Aurelio's) grandmother is a good person and he (Antonio) does not think she would run off on his grandfather while pregnant with his child. Antonio says that maybe his grandfather denied the child. Aurelio agrees and says that it is a good idea. He then reminds Antonio that they have people waiting for answers. Antonio smiles.

Elsewhere in the company, Emma, Hector, Martin, Aranza, and Adrianna are all sitting around Gina and Emma's workplace. Aranza is nervously pacing around. Hector, stands up and walks towards Aranza. He tells her, to relax, and not worry because soon enough, they will know the truth. She leans into his shoulder and he hugs her.

Adrianna says (to herself) that watching them feels like watching how Hernan, was with Aranza. She then has a flashback of her, Antonio, Hernan, and Gabriela as children, when they were in Aranza's room. Hernan would tickle Aranza till she laughed, and was the first one, to learn how to carry her. He was also protective of her. It was clear he loved her.

A little bit later, Marianna, Isabella, Alejandro, and Horacio are at Isabella's house. Alejandro announces that he pulled a few strings, and got the results of, the tests Adrianna and Gina had. He hands, them folders with medical documents and says that what is important is that Adrianna is having a girl, and Gina is having a boy.

Isabella says that will make things so much easier, for them as they actualize their plans. Marianna asks her what she is talking about. Isabella reminds her that plan baby switch is still on, especially now that they have the final confirmation of the genders of the baby's.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now