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Aranza tells Alejandro to leave them alone. She says that it is unmanly for him to cling to someone who does not love him. She adds that it is psycho behaviour. Adrianna tells Aranza that it is not worth it and that they should leave which they do. Antonio follows them, still surprised at what Aranza said. Adrianna is shocked as well. When Aranza sees Antonio and Adrianna are still shocked (as they walk to Antonio's car) she says that someone had to finally put Alejandro in his place.

Adrianna says that while that may be true, she (Aranza) should not get involved in such matters because Alejandro is crazy and vengeful. Antonio says that the best thing to do to such a person is to put them at arm's length and not give them the attention they crave. He adds that they should just ignore Alejandro. Alejandro is left embarrassed and angry. He vows to teach Aranza and Antonio lessons and to put them in their places.

Meanwhile, Gina and Hector are also preparing for the big day. Aurelio has gone to school. For them today is largely symbolic. It holds importance that runs beyond the actual day. Today marks the day they officially start their plans to retake their father's company from Helena and Carlos. Gina asks Hector, what they should do about Adrianna, Antonio, and Aranza when they reveal their identities. Hector says they should do the right thing.

He adds that Aranza is their sister, so she is entitled to her share of the inheritance, and as for Antonio and Adrianna, they were also children when everything happened, and as far as is known, have no involvement in Helena and Carlos crimes. Hector says it would be unfair to kick them to the streets. Gina agrees with her brother. Hector says that he still finds her love of the color green weird. She says she's always loved it. Gina then tells him that they are discussing important things and he should be serious. He calls her lemon and says she is as sour as always.

Gina glares at him. He hears a tone and looks at his phone. It is Aranza, asking him where he is. He answers and says that he and Gina are at home, and were just about to get a bus. Aranza tells him to wait there. Gina asks him why he is smiling. He tells her about Aranza's text messages. Gina says maybe Aranza is up to something. Hector agrees and says she takes after her older sister. Gina playfully punches him and acts mock offended.

Thirty minutes later, Antonio pulls into the compound of the flats where Gina and Hector live. Antonio's breath is swept away. He always knew Gina was beautiful but today, she looked even more beautiful. Today staff were allowed to dress up but still had to wear their work tags) and Gina had worn a stunning emerald green gown. When they get to the car, Aranza gives up her front seat and says Gina should use it. Adrianna tries hard not to laugh. Her meddlesome little cousin is up to her usual games.

Gina wants to say no. She is finding it harder to fight against her feelings for Antonio.

He is more than what he looks like. He may look like a scruffy bad boy, but he had a kind heart. He normally dressed casually but that day, he had shown he can dress corporately and still look dashingly attractive, without looking stuffy, or too formal. Antonio looks at Aranza who looks back like a sweet child, anyone who did not know her would not be able to tell that she was a master schemer. Antonio tells Gina that if she is uncomfortable, she should ignore Aranza and go to the back. Aranza is happy; she wants her favorite people to end up with each other. She can tell there is an attraction between Gina and Antonio and between Adrianna and Hector.

Gina knows that there is no way that she can avoid the situation without letting Antonio know how much being near him affects her, so she agrees, and soon they are on their way. They arrive in good time, earlier than most people. Aranza, being her usual jumpy self, sees friends of hers from university, third years, who are doing their industrial attachment and goes off to them. Adrianna and Hector go to a friend from the procurement department and a mutual friend, leaving Gina with Antonio. Adrianna is irritated, to see Alejandro there as well. Martin is there too with Emma, whose desk is near Gina's and who is her best friend.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now