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Meanwhile, at the mental hospital, John is playing puzzles. He abruptly stops and asks himself when he will leave. He then says he wants to see his children.

Later that evening, Aranza knocks on Adrianna's door. When she opens it, she is surprised to see her in bed. Concerned, Aranza asks her how she feels. Adrianna says she feels a little tired, but she is okay. Aranza looks at her skeptically and sits on the bed. She then asks Adrianna if she is sure. Adrianna insists she is. She says she was just feeling dizzy and decided to lie down.

A little bit later, Gina and Emma are out walking, when Gina has a dizzy spell. Emma helps her. Emma asks her if there is something she should be telling her. Gina looks at her confused and asks her what she is talking about. Emma asks her when she had her last menstrual cycle. Gina looks at Emma wide-eyed and paces around. She says what Emma is suggesting is crazy. Emma says she understands Gina's fear, but they both know her being pregnant is a possibility.

Gina continues pacing around, nervously. Emma puts one hand on her and says that Gina should relax, and do a pregnancy test. Gina tells Emma, she is afraid, she is pregnant. She adds that with everything happening if she is pregnant, this could not have happened at a worse time. Emma asks her if she is ready to know the truth. Gina says she needs some time, maybe a day or two. Emma hugs her.

Meanwhile, Adrianna runs out of bed, because she feels nauseous. Aranza follows her and helps her. When they are back in Adrianna's bed, Aranza tells her, that she thinks they should see a doctor. Adrianna says it is not necessary, and that she will feel better the following day. Aranza eyes her skeptically.

Juan Patricio wakes up early on Friday morning. Claudia asks him, where he is going. Juan Patricio says he has some, legal matters to take care of. Claudia asks him if it is something that should worry her. Juan Patricio says that it is just standard affairs but the lawyer, was only available that day.

Elsewhere, as Hector is preparing to go to work that morning, he receives a call. It is Aranza. He notices her worried tone. He asks her what is happening. Aranza says she is worried about Adrianna. Hector, worried, asks her, why. Aranza tells her that yesterday evening Adrianna was unwell, and she looked pale, ate very little, and was severally nauseous. Aranza adds that Adrianna was stubborn about it, and refused to see a doctor. Hector, tells her to not worry, because he will watch over Adrianna. Aranza cries and says that she loves her cousin and doesn't want anything to happen to her. Hector assures her that, he would look into the matter.

Later on, Emma and Gina are in the office garden. Gina tells Emma, that she has thought about it, and wants to do the pregnancy test and get rid of the fear and the doubt. Emma hugs her.

Meanwhile, Juan Patricio is at the office of Jorge Torres, a famous city private investigator. Juan Patricio states his case. He says that the woman in question (Anna Patricia) looks like somebody from his past, and he wants to find out if there is any connection between the two, and what that connection is. He says he wants to find out everything about the lady (Anna Patricia).

Jorge asks Juan Patricio if he knows the woman's name. Juan Patricio says he does. He says her name, as shown on her name tag is Anna Patricia Ortiz. He then asks Juan Patricio for more details like where she works, which he tells him. Juan Patricio tells Jorge, to not worry about the cost, because he (Jorge) will be adequately compensated for his work.

At lunchtime, Hector, and Adrianna meet at the garden. He tells her that he talked to Aranza earlier in the morning. Adrianna rolls her eyes and says that Aranza is such a drama queen. She insists she is fine, and that there is no need to see a doctor. Hector looks at her like he does not believe a word she says. She says he looks just like Aranza when he looks at her disbelievingly. Hector says that it is not about him or Aranza, but about her. Adrianna says that she is fine; she was just a little tired. Hector touches her forehead, and Adrianna says she is just fine like he has seen. Hector, says that he will keep an eye on her. Adrianna rolls her eyes.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang