"What exactly is everything that she needs to hear from her Uncle?" Taylor inquired.

"Jeez! You know, for a doctor, you are too impatient." Camila mumbled, but Taylor managed to hear what she said causing the blonde to narrow her eyes at her. The Latina only grinned at her and continued her story. "Amelia was destined to be the Spiritual Guide of Louise, but the Uncle didn't tell her that because it's forbidden. And Because of Amelia's stubbornness, she came to Louise's world unprepared and unaware of her true purpose because she hasn't reached her full potential to be the Spiritual Guide! All she wanted to do was to escape her world so she could explore and be free."

"Are you getting to the part where you tell me the reason why Louise decides to let Amelia go?"

"Almost there, Doctor. Hold your horses." Camila reassured her. "So, the Uncle told Louise that if Amelia continues to stay in her world without knowing her real purpose, the magic that runs through her veins will slowly disappear. We all know that Amelia was born with magic, right? So, if that happens...without magic, Amelia will get sick. She can't be treated by any doctors; she'll only suffer a slow and extremely painful death."

"Then, why didn't Louise just tell Amelia the truth? Why did she have to hurt Amelia's feelings?"

"That's the thing. Amelia has the pure blood of a sorcerer. Remember the old man? Yeah, she got the same blood as him. In order for them to unlock their real powers, they need to feel the pain of dying. Whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. Of course, for the old man from way, way, way waaaay back before. He had an accident, right? And Louise's great, great–"

"Yeah, yeah. I remember!"

"Yes, that wasn't a real accident. He did that on purpose so he could feel the pain of dying. He chose the physical kind of pain. While Amelia..."

Taylor stares at Camila at the realization. "Louise couldn't bear to see Amelia suffer physically, so she chose to hurt her emotionally instead. And that's worse because she knows she's the only person who could do that."

"You got it, Doc!"

"Oh, how cruel! I mean...not Louise, of course, but the circumstances. They were left with no choice! That's just really cruel."

"I know..." Camila felt sad at the thought of it.

"So...how does it end?"

Camila perked up at the question. "Well, after Louise killed everyone who's after her, she was ready to turn herself in. But to her surprise, when the FBI and the police arrived at the scene, they all saluted Louise, including The Chief, who couldn't hide her smile because she was so proud of Louise!"

"Oh, really? But why?"

"Because Louise didn't know that those gangsters that she just knocked over were the most wanted and notorious people in the U.S.! Even before she fought them, there were already court orders from the President to catch them, dead or alive! Technically, Louise didn't commit any crime. For the U.S. government, she's a hero. The FBI even begged her to come back and swerve the country and offered her a high ranking position. But she refused, Louise chose to live by her own code now. You know why?"


"She believes that she was born alone and that she'll die alone; that the world just put a bunch of rules on top of it so people will forget about it. But she never forgets. She's living her life like there's no tomorrow because she believes that there isn't one."

"Oh...that's cool. But that surely wasn't the ending I wanted to hear. I want to know how Louise and Amelia's story ends."

Camila pursed her lips and winced a little, "See, that's the thing."

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