"Sorry, that was The Chief. We have a meeting with the rest of the Directors of other units in fifteen minutes." Perrie arranged the folders she was going to bring with her. Jade thought this wasn't the right time to ask the blonde about the mark.

"No, it's fine. I'll go ahead and continue with the investigation." Jade stands up to exit Perrie's office.


"Yeah?" Jade spun around.

"I'm happy to have you back." Perrie admits, beaming at the brunette.

Jade smiled and nodded. She doesn't know if Perrie meant having her back at work or having her back in her life. She brushed the latter thought away. She doesn't want to give a different meaning to Perrie's gestures and words.

"Oh and also..." Perrie added, making Jade spin around again. "Never save my life again."

"Is that included in our protocol?"

Perrie chuckles, "I might add it later..."

"No offense, but I'm not really good at following the protocol, Serge." She smiles at Perrie. "I'll see you around."

Perrie finds herself looking at Jade until the brunette reaches her cubicle. She shakes her head at their interaction earlier, but is more than glad Jade is back.

Jade stayed at her desk all day until she finished her untouched paperwork while Leigh was still out in the field. She wasn't planning on stepping outside for lunch either because she wanted to talk to Perrie about the mark, but she can't seem to catch the blonde at the right time. Perrie was in meetings here and there, and she was always with unit directors.

Jade decided to focus on reviewing the on-going investigation instead. She was reading Leigh's copy of the report that was submitted to Perrie. She found out that one of the three suspects of the second crime scene was captured, but before the FBI could cuff him, the suspect shot himself.

According to the report, it's some sort of suicide code of the group, so that the authorities can't get any information out of them about their group or their motive to kill.

Another thing that surprised Jade was that the suspect bore the same mark as the victims. It only means that the victims and suspects come from the same gang or group. But the question is, why were they killing fellow members? Since the investigation is still on-going, everything's hazy.

After Jade was done with the paperwork that night, she and her teammates decided to head out to celebrate Jade's return to work. They didn't stay late because they had an early assignment the following day.

"Alright team, that would be all. You are all dismissed," Perrie declared. Perrie's team had a meeting. They were in the office well before 7 o'clock in the morning. And as each of them got out of her office, she called Jade out, "Detective Thirlwall..." Jade stopped and turned to look at Perrie. "You're coming with me today. Take all the necessary investigation reports with you and I'll see you in fifteen minutes at the parking lot."

"Copy that, Sergeant." Jade responded before exiting the blonde's office. Meanwhile, Leigh couldn't wipe off the smirk on the corner of her lips after hearing what Perrie said.

While they were walking back to their cubicle, the men in the team who were walking up front were talking about what they discussed in the meeting.

"Seriously, dude, sometimes I don't understand our boss," Niall voiced out. "It was clear as day yesterday that she was going to come with me to the Federal Court."

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