Boy(s) in Luv

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[V's POV]

The tour was coming to an end, my last concert would be on christmas in Seoul.

Jungmi had texted me that she had tried her best to get tickets but that they were sold out too fast and so I took it upon me to send her two VIP tickets.

She had told me that Jungkook hadn't been doing too well but she never told me why.

The concert was about to begin, reminding me of last year's christmas concert. 

I was still wondering why my christmas concerts were always the ones to sell out the fastest, didn't people have places to be on christmas? Don't they have families they could spend their time with.

Family.. I sighed, remembering I hadn't seen my parent's in so long but I missed my grandma most of all. 

The staff was fixing my make-up one last time, adjusting my outfit to make sure everything was perfect.

The thought of Jungkook in the crowd motivated me to walk onto the stage and give my best. For him.

I was searching the crowd for any sign of him while singing until I spotted them.

Jungkook was giving Jungmi a piggy back ride, while she was holding up a sign, making me chuckle when I saw what it had written on it.

V, please date my brother, he is lonely

I walked to the edge of the stage, high fiving Jungmi as she was close enough to the edge and giving Jungkook a sweet smile.

God, had I missed him. 

I sang my heart out, not a care in the world now that my favorite person was right there with me.


I had texted Kookie to meet me after the concert and sent him the location.

As soon as I saw him walk towards me with Jungmi, I couldn't contain my happiness and ran towards him. Jungkook gave me his adorable bunny smile before he ran towards me as well, wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around.

"I missed you so badly." I said, hugging him tightly.

"At least you still functioned as a human being unlike this one." Jungmi laughed, making Jungkook blush in embarassment.

"You're still adoreable when you blush." I teased Kookie, squishing his cheeks with my hands. "How can someone be this cute!?" 

"I feel like I'm a third wheel." Jungmi made a "Tsk." sound. 

We walked into my house, leaving Jungmi and Jungkook amazed. 

"And I thought your apartment in Busan was big." Jungkook whined. 

"Told you." I winked at Jungkook, making him shyly look away from me.

"Alright, do you have a guestroom before I have to throw up from all the flirting your guys are doing?" Jungmi joked but I got the message and showed her to her room.

Jungkook and I sat down in the living room, next to each other on the couch. Our shoulders were touching. Both of us were silent.

"God, this is akward.." I chuckled, nervously.

"Let me make it more akward." Jungkook said, before grabbing my face and crashing his lips into mine.


My eyes widened but I soon close them, wrapping my arm around Jungkook and deepening the kiss, as I pulled him closer. I had never expected this.

Jungkook sat up on my lap, moving his hand up from my neck to my hair, playing with it.

I just looked at him in surprise when he backed away from the kiss. His cheeks were bright red, he was slightly panting from the kiss but damn, he looked adorable.

"What was this about?" I asked, scratching my neck nervously.

"Being apart from you for so long made me realise what I really feel for you, Taehyung." he smiled softly. "I really like you, Tae. More than just a friend."

I couldn't contain my smile. "I'm happy to hear that but what happened to being straight?" I chuckled.

"Fuck that." he layed his head on my shoulder like that one day at the school event after finding out my identity. 

I played with his hair for a while, just happy that he was here with me and that he had feelings for me. 

Jungkook's breath was calming down and I noticed that he had fallen asleep. Cute..

He must have been really tired.. I stood up, carrying him into my bedroom, he wrapped his legs around my waist, releasing a soft yawn.

"I thought you were sleeping." I chuckled. 

"I totally am, I don't know what you're talking about." he murmured in his sleepy state.

"You're adorable." I kissed his cheek, before laying him down on my bed. "Sleep well." I headed off to the bathroom to take a shower before bed and brush my teeth. 

When I came back out in my adorable pajamas that had little pomeranians printed all over it, I realized that Kookie had finally fallen asleep for real, as he was cutely cuddling my pillow and not reacting at all to me coming back.

I layed down next to him, carefully studying his face like he was going to vanish if I take away my eyes from him.


The three of us had breakfast together the next morning.

"I have a christmas present for you, Taehyung." Jungkook revealed, grabbing something from his bag.

"But you're already present enough~" I cooed, smiling brightly.

"God, I can't even have breakfast in peace." Jungmi whined.

Jungkook handed me a small package wrapped in gold glittering wrapping paper. I opened the present with excitement, I hadn't received a christmas present in years.

The first thing I took out was a framed picture of Jungkook and me, a random selfie we took together but it brought back good memories. The second thing was a cd. 

"I recorded a few songs for you.." Jungkook said shyly. 

"Aw, that's adorable!" I squealed.

"I came up with the framed picture!" Jungmi interrupted. "Now you can be the kind of couple that has pictures of each other on their nightstands!"

Couple..I looked at Jungkook akwardly, we hadn't talked about that yet.

"Oh no, you guys are getting akward again, it's time for me to leave so you can talk about this!" Jungmi rolled her eyes playfully before running off, exploring the house.

"So uhm..." Jungkook broke the silence. "Are we like...going out?" he stuttered.

"Jungkook." I said seriously. "You are the most important person in my life, I love you. Would you make me the happiest man on this planet and go out with me~?" I grinned, as Jungkook's cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"Aw, I have an adorable boyfriend!" I pulled his face closer to mine, kissing him yet again.


[author's notes]

Vkook is together!

I would like to mention again that this is in no way an accurate representation of any bts member mentioned in this story!

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