Answer: Love Myself

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[Jungkook's POV]

I thought a lot about what Taehyung had told me before, why Jimin was so frustrated with me.

I told myself to do better and I started spending more time with my friends again.

V might be a famous guy with a pretty voice but I had no idea what he was actually like. I shouldn't base my life around some stranger.

But I know my friends and they will always be the most important people in my life. With my family, of course.

There was a school event coming up the next week, teachers were asking if anyone wanted to perform, so Jin, Jimin and I decided we wanted to sing.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon wanted to rap but the teachers refused saying that hiphop wasn't allowed.

"Why don't you ask Taehyung too? He could sing with you guys." Hoseok remarked. 

Taehyung wasn't in school today, he told me he was sick but he didn't sound sick when we called last night. I didn't think much of it, if he wanted to skip that wasn't my problem.

"Can he sing?" Jimin asked.

"I've never heard him sing.." I disclosed. But why did Hoseok think that Taehyung could sing?

"Oh, I've heard him sing. Just ask. And if he refuses, keep insisting." Hoseok smiled innocently. 

I didn't know the two of them had spent that much time together for Hoseok to know what Taehyung sounds like when he sings...

Taehyung would always refuse when I asked him, so he must be close to Hoseok if he let him listen to his voice..

Why was I getting so worked up about this? I had no idea.

This must have been what Jimin felt like when he thought Taehyung was stealing me from him.. but why would I feel like Hoseok was stealing Taehyung from me?

"Kookie, you alright?" Jimin whispered to me in a worried tone. 

"Yea, yea, I'm alright." I answered. "I'll text Tae.." I mumbled.


hey tae

there's a school event coming up next week and jin, jimin and I wanted to sing

I was wondering if you wanted to join

if you're feeling better until then, of course


I don't know

I'm not that confident in my singing


oh please?

hoseok said he heard you sing and you sounded great


did he now

you know what, sure

I'll join.



"Taehyung agreed." I smiled.

Pretty Voice [Taekook]✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora