Winter Bear

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[Narrator's POV]

A lift took him up onto the stage, slowly rising into the view of fans, they immidiately screamed, seeing V on stage.

He stood infront of the Microphone, listening to his fans, mostly girls. They all went quiet as the music started playing.

V was patiently waiting for his cue to start singing. His deep voice echoed through the halls, hitting every note perfectly, leaving his fans in awe.

They were swaying to the music, moving their lightsticks back and forth, some of them wiping tears off their cheek, feeling touched by his wonderful voice.

The view of all of his fans brought a smile to V's lips, that he couldn't hide.

"Thank you for coming to the concert today, I love you all!" he screamed to the masses.


Somewhere, in Busan, a 16 year old boy was watching a livestream of the concert on his phone, pouting because his parents hadn't allowed him to see the concert.

It was the day before christmas, no wonder they'd rather spend it with their son, than let him go to a concert all the way in Seoul, but Jungkook in his young teenage rebellion obviously believed that his parents must hate him.


Hours after his concert, the 17 year old kpop star, known as V, was left alone in his room, no parents to tell him what to do and what not to do.

He would have probably been jealous of Jungkook, getting to spend christmas with his family.

The clock hit midnight and V was still alone. "Merry christmas." he sighed.


While other kids were spending christmas with their family, V was contained to a training room, going over choreos for his new album that was going to come out in summer of next year.

"V." a deep voice spoke, entering the room. "I don't mean to disturb the dance lesson, but I have some urgent matters to discuss with V." the man spoke. The dance teacher left the room immidiately.

"What's up, Kyusung?" V asked his manager.

"Your parents have decided they want you to finish school, incase this whole kpop thing flips, so you have a degree to fall back to." Kyusung spoke.

"I haven't been to school in two years and now they decide this?" V raised an eyebrow at his manager. "Also what about fans? They'll recognize me immidiately." Somehow, there was still a hint of happiness in V's voice.

"We'll dye your hair and give you contacts. We'll also do your make-up differently. We're sending you to school in Busan under your real name. I'm going to join you in Busan, you'll have a tight schedule with school and still continuing idol duties." his manager explained.

"Goodbye free time." V sighed.

"You're next comeback will proceed as planned, we're leaving after it, so next summer. Be prepared."

Kyusung left V alone, who as soon as the door was closed, jumped into the air in excitement.

He had left school to live his idol dream, but now he was glad to go back to school and maybe make some friends, who wouldn't just be after his fame.


[author's notes]

I wrote this fanfiction when I was like 13, now I'm 20 and I accidentally found it again.

So please don't hate it or you'll break my inner child!

This chapter was originally the prologue, so it's a lot shorter than all the other ones.

I decided to post this due to the news of bts' enlistment, so army's have some content they can enjoy.

It might take me some time to translate and edit the entire story though, in the meantime maybe you'd like to be dating Jungkook in a medieval, royal setting with you as a princess and Jungkook as a simple villager

If so, check out "Peasant", my only other story on this account!

-Bunny out!

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