If I ruled the world

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[V's POV]

I'm home! I just wish someone was here with me.. I sighed, entering my new apartment

It felt empty and soulless, not lived in.

There were no personal bellongings scattered around, nothing that showed a hint of a personality.

The doorbell rang, but it was only one of the companies staff, bringing me food and informing me of my dance practice I still had that same day.

My days were filled with events, every weekend I would have to go back to Seoul and all of my afternoons were filled with practices, recordings and interviews, I barely had time for school, but I was still happy I could go.

With a thankful bow, I took my food, devouring it as quickly as possible, as I had no time. 

Before my dance practice I took off the makeup and said goodbye to my pretty hazel contacts. 


[Jungkook's POV]

As soon as I was home, I flung my bag into the corner of my room. My gaze wandered past one of my V posters and suddenly I remembered who Taehyung looked like.

However there were still slight differences and that was enough to convince me that our new classmate couldn't be V.

He had a completely different eye colour after all and his hair was different. His features were also slightly different.

Maybe Taehyung was just trying to look like V, since he was also a V-Fan.

I went back downstairs, entering the kitchen and snatching my favorite banana milk from the fridge. 

My mother was standing in the kitchen, a little too quietly. Usually she would ask how school went, but today she didn't.

"Mom?" I spoke up, she seemed frightened for a second, dropping the letter she was holding, which seemed to be addressed to my father.

"Oh, Jungkook! How was school?" she sighed in relief, picking up the letter.

"School was alright..are you ok, mom?" I asked carefully, she only hugged me, which was weird.

"Everything is alright, I didn't realise you were already home."


After lunch, I went back to my room, checking V's socials. Weirdly enough he only posted a picture of himself at dance practice, in a giant hoody, that covered his hair. 

He propably had to dye it again.. his poor flawless hair! But I'm excited to see what colour it is this time.. I'm hoping for blue.. I thought. He must be busy, usually he posts more..

I did my homework quickly, so I'd have more times for video games, but before I started playing, I checked my phone again.

I almost forgot how to breathe when I saw that V had liked one of my tweets. I reloaded the app at least 10 times and checked my wifi to make sure that there was no mistake, but the notification stayed there. 

I pinched myself, making sure I hadn't fallen asleep doing my homework and that this wasn't a dream but all that did was leave a red, hurting mark on my arm.

But before I could think any further, the girl from class texted me, the one I bribed with my number to let Taehyung sit next to me..


Heyyyyy, it's Tiffany from English class! 

I wanted to ask about that date again ;)

I hope you didn't forget!


I did, but sadly you reminded me again.



Did you even know my name?


Nope. Does it matter?


She didn't answer me anymore after that, so I suppose I got what I wanted.

She had her chance to go on a date with me and she blew it herself, not my fault.

Instead I texted Jimin about V liking my tweet, getting excited. But Jimin had to ruin it by saying, V probably just went around liking fan tweets so his fans would like him more.

Which was probably correct..


I was awoken by my annoying alarm yet again the next day, but this time I had no pillows to throw, as I left them all on the floor.

Groaning in annoyance, I stood up to turn of the alarm clock by actually pressing the button and not throwing a pillow at it.

"Oh, you're awake?" My mother asked in surprise, as she stood in my doorframe.

"I ran out of pillow." I pouted, she only nodded sympathetically, but I knew she didn't really care that I had to get up. Just meant one less job for her.

After getting dressed, I had to wait way too long infront of the bathroom for my little sister to finally get out and when she did, she looked special.

She had done her own make up, which I didn't care about. If she wanted to wear make-up she could. What I however did care about was the state of the make-up. I wouldn't let my little sister run around looking 30 years older than she actually was.

"Nope, I'm not going to let you go looking like that." I dragged her right back into the bathroom with me.

"What- no, wait!" she pouted.

"If you have to wear make-up, at least make it look good. You look pretty without it, I don't even know why you decided to wear make-up all of a sudden.." I took a while to remove all the make up and reapply a decent amount, that had her still looking like a fourteen year old.

"There, now you can go." I sighed, looking at the time. Doing my sisters make-up cost me doing my own, so I went downstairs barefaced, only grabbing breakfast to eat it in the bus, because I would be late otherwise.

Jungmi and I almost missed the bus, but as soon as we entered I realised why she even wanted to do her make-up in the first place..

She sat right next to Taehyung, looking at him cutely. "Tae-oppa!" she hummed, happily.

Oh gosh, my little sister had developed a crush on my friend. 

I didn't think much about it, Taehyung was treating her very much like the child she was, so I wasn't worried.

A  normal big brother would probably get mad, but I found it amusing how Taehyung struggled to explain to Jungmi that he was too old for her and that she probably didn't even have actual feelings for him.

The last thing he did was whisper something into her ear, that left Jungmi looking at him in astonishment


As Taehyung and me walked onto the school grounds to meet with Jimin, I heard whispers from some girls again.

"You're like the V of this school, you have fangirls everywhere!" Taehyung chuckled

"I think the difference is, that V would probably enjoy this..being famous must be great." I sighed in defeat

"How would you know? Maybe V wants to live a normal life.." 

"I don't think so." I stretched. "He auditioned for the company, he wanted to be an idol."


[author's notes]

This is where I'll leave this chapter, a little shorter than the last one but that's alright.

I hope you enjoy!

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