"You need a bowl for the eggs first, Lisa." Jisoo reminded the maknae.

"Nah..I can do it here." Lisa shook her head stubbornly.

When the frying pan felt hot enough, she started to crack the eggs directly onto the pans. Sure enough the egg shells fell down into the pans as well. Being the careless girl that she was, she just picked up the broken shells one by one with her fingers. When she was taking out the last piece, she heard Jennie's voice from behind her.

"What the hell are you doing in my kitchen?"

Lisa jumped up in surprise and accidentally flipped the pans over making it splashed its hot oil and eggs onto her hands and front of her shirt before it fell down to the floor.

"Awwww wiee...ouch! ah ah ah! Hot!"

"LISA!" Three voices yelled out her name at the sametime.

They rushed towards her and took action immediately as if they had rehearsed this scene many times before. Jisoo pulled Lisa to the sink and put her hands under cold running water. While Jennie kept close as she stretched Lisa's front shirt so that it didn't burn her body and used the kitchen towel to dabbed away the hot eggs. Rose rushed back in from the utilities room holding a mop and pail.

After getting the nod from the other two, she then pulled Lisa and asked her to sit on the kitchen stool followed by firm instruction. "Don't move!"

It's a tangle of limbs and hands trying to clean up the mess made by the youngest member while Lisa kept whining about losing her dinner on her stool. Once they finished cleaning up the kitchen, the three just stood there glaring at Lisa.

"Waiiiyo...." Lisa looked back innocently.

Rose harrumphed. "This is why Jennie unnie banned you from cooking Lisa."

Lisa just pouted. "But it's not my fault! It's Jennie unnie's fault! She was the one.."

Before she could finish her sentence, Jisoo interrupted her.

"Lisayah..you better not cook ever again.."

"You're just making a mess in my kitchen." Jennie added.

Lisa, feeling hungry and embarrassed at the same time, didn't care anymore.

"Why is it always my fault? You know what? Fine! I'm going out to eat!"

Once she reached her room she took a shower to calm herself down. She just wanted to make herself dinner and Jennie was the one surprising her and even though her anger lessened after her shower, she still felt hungry.

To be honest, she didn't really feel like she wanted to go out tonight but she was too embarrassed about what happened earlier. She just needed to go out and never come back. As she was just finished putting on her jeans, she heard the soft knock on the door. She opened the door and there was Jennie holding a first aid box in one hand and a plate of lasagne on the other.

"I heard that you're hungry." Jenny started.

Lisa just scowled down at the older girl. "I'm going out!"

"Don't be stubborn. I can hear your tummy grumble from over here."

"Well..something is wrong with your hearing then. I don't hear anything." Lisa pouted.

Jennie huffed out angrily. "Lisa I'm trying to apologize here and you're making it difficult."

"Huh funny.... I didn't hear any word sorry."

"Lili..honey..my pu puu. I'm sorry for shouting at you just now."

Lisa let out a small giggle. "Okay, Nini! I forgive you.. You can come in now. Let me get that for you." Lisa reached for the plate but Jennie pulled her hands away.

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