Chapter Ten

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"I am your host, The Gamemaster. Welcome to The Games," Lila's voice said.

You looked around, but she was nowhere. Her voice seemed to be coming from everywhere, anywhere, and nowhere all at once. You couldn't tell what direction it was from.

You tried to reach out to grab Adrien's hand, but your hand hit some sort of force field.

Adrien tried to touch you, but then his hand hit the force field.

"What the hell is happening?!" Adrien asked.

You reached around and realized you were stuck in a small box.

Suddenly, the ground beneath you opened up. You screamed as you started falling.

"Our first and only contestant, Y/N L/N!" Lila's voice said.

You hit a trampoline and the trampoline suddenly disappeared. You hit the ground harshly, but you didn't die like you would've if the trampoline hadn't been there. You finally stopped screaming.

You looked at your surroundings. You were in an empty room. The hole in the ground that you had fallen through closed. The walls, floor, and ceiling were bright white and gave off a glow, so you weren't in complete darkness.

"What are you doing, Lila?!" you yelled.

"I am not Lila! I am The Gamemaster!" she responded.

Suddenly, Lila appeared in front of you, but she was wearing a white hoodie, white pants, and white sneakers. She was wearing a full mask that was also white, so you couldn't see her face.

"You will play three games. If you win, you get to leave. If not, you die," The Gamemaster said. "Sound fair?"

"You're like a worse version of Gamer. Max would be disappointed," you laughed. "I accept your deal. What are the games?" You knew Ladybug would fix it anyway, so you really had nothing to lose.

The Gamemaster rose her hand and snapped. You saw a traffic light appear.

"The first game is red light, green light," she said.

"So not only are you a knock-off Gamer, you're a knock off of the Squid Games too," you smiled.

She snapped her fingers again and walls appeared in front of you, with a gap between them.

"How about a maze?" The Gamemaster asked.

"Sounds good to me," you said. "I'm great at mazes."

"What aren't you good at?" she said sarcastically. "Begin!"

She disappeared and you took a step in the maze. You took turns, no real idea where you were going. Left, another left, right, straight, right, left, one more left, right, right again, left, right, straight, straight again, left, straight, right - no, that was left. You ended up at a dead end.

You turned around and tried to retrace your steps, but ended up lost in the maze. It felt like you had been walking around this place for hours. You checked your watch and realized it had been hours. Where were Chat and Ladybug?

You groaned as you turned right. Your feet burned like fire, but you had to get out of here. As you were walking, you looked at your surroundings. White walls. Everything was white. That probably helped cause your confusion. You didn't know where you had already been and where you were yet to be.

Another right. Left. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.

You collapsed to the ground. Your feet were killing you and you had become incredibly dehydrated. You were still looking around when you saw something on the wall. You tried to get yourself up. Your legs felt like wet spaghetti, but you stood up. You approached what you saw on the wall.

You touched it. It was a button. You pressed it and heard a click. You turned around and saw a red key on the ground. You picked it up.

"What the hell do I do with this?" you wondered aloud. "There's no door."

You searched around for a door, but couldn't find any. You touched every wall to see if there was something hidden, but nothing changed.

Finally, you found a red hole in the wall. You ran to it and stuck the key in. It fit perfectly, and you turned it. You heard a noise of something moving and you looked all around, but nothing had changed. At least, that's what you thought until you found a hole in the wall. This one was larger and you got on your hands and knees and crawled through. There were stairs that you climbed up, and you quickly realized you were on top of the maze. You saw a red button and ran towards it. You realized that there was no way to win the maze without going on top.

You pressed the large red button and The Gamemaster appeared in front of you.

"Congratulations, you won. Now for-"

Suddenly, there was a yell. "Cataclysm!"

Chat Noir fell onto the ground. "Shit, that hurt!" he yelled.

Follow by Ladybug. "Ow!"

You looked up. There was a hole where he had Cataclysmed the roof. The Gamemaster pulled a remote out of their pocket and clicked a button. A cage formed around Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"How about this?" The Gamemaster asked. "Winner take all?"

"What do you mean by all?" you asked.

"I mean that instead of doing the other two games and hoping you win, we do one game. If you lose this game, I get Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous. If you win, I renounce Shadowmoth."

"What happens if I don't take the deal?" you asked.

"Losing will cause your death just like before," The Gamemaster said.

"Why are you doing this anyway?" you asked. "What have I done to you to cause you to want to kill me?"

"You stole Adrien away from me! I was so close, but you had to take him away!" The Gamemaster screamed. Her voice went high pitched as she whined. What a stupid reason to kill someone.

You glanced at Chat Noir without really meaning to.

"Depends on if Ladybug and Chat Noir are okay with it. It's their miraculous, not mine, after all," you said.

"Deal!" Chat said.

"Chat, we have to consider this," Ladybug said.

"If she dies, it'll be our fault!" Chat said. "Won't knowing that you could've saved make you feel bad?"

"But if we lose our miraculous, we have no idea how many people could die," Ladybug pointed out.

"We don't know what happens when the miraculous are used," Chat said. "It could be totally fine. Don't you think that we should save her, or do you really believe she just deserves to die?"

Ladybug and Chat stared into each other's eyes for a moment. It looked like they were both challenging the other to back down. You knew Ladybug was right - so many more people could die if they give up their miraculous - but somehow, Chat seemed to convince her.

"It's a deal," Ladybug told Gamemaster. She turned towards you. "Don't fuck it up."

"That's a lot of pressure to put on a single teenager. You know, the fate of the entire world," you rolled your eyes. Technically, Adrien did this shit every day, so you really knew you shouldn't be complaining, but you were still under pressure, and you had never reacted well to pressure.

"I believe in you!" Chat said.

Ladybug sighed. "You know she's got a boyfriend, right?"

"So, what's the winner-take-all game?" you asked.

The Gamemaster smirked. "Rock, paper, scissors."

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Check out this account: Samsi4Lifers

Also, check out my new story, The Foreign Exchange Student. The first chapter is out now. (Read the description before reading the story)

A Simp For A Superhero (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now