Chapter Two

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Lila, Adrien, and you had ended up in the same group. It was a long class of talking and talking about whether or not you threatened Lila. In the end, you won. For you, it felt like a loss, because you had to hang out with Lila.

By the time lunch rolled around, you, Adrien, and Lila had agreed to meet in the library and talk about the project.

As soon as you got there, you sat next to Lila and Adrien sat across from you.

"It's cold over here," Lila said. "I'm going to move to the other side."

Lila stood up and sat next to Adrien. She moved the chair so close to him that she was practically sitting on him. You didn't really care.

"Alright, what superhero are we doing?" Adrien asked. "We'll have to interview them and learn all about them."

Lila frowned. "I don't like superheros."

You rolled your eyes. "I don't care, Lila. We're doing a project. If you and Adrien want to talk about whether or not superheroes are cool, do it on your own time."

Lila sighed and buried her face in Adrien's shoulder. "She's so mean."

"Can we just agree to do Chat Noir?" you asked.

"Sure," Adrien said.

"Why Chat Noir?" Lila asked.

"Because he's the most purr-fect superhero for this," you giggled. "Actually, it's just because he's probably one of the few superheroes who'd be willing to do an interview with two insignificant teenagers and Adrien Agreste."

"Insignificant?!" Lila snapped. "I dated a prince! That's not insignificant!"

You leaned towards her. "Fine. One insignificant teenager, one lying bitch, and one Adrien Agreste."

Lila opened her mouth, but Adrien interrupted her. "How are we going to interview him?

"Does anybody personally know Chat Noir by any chance?" you wondered.

"I do," Lila answered.

"Actually, I do," Adrien said.

"Really?" you asked Adrien, your fangirl coming out again. "How'd you guys meet?"

"He saved my life," Adrien replied.

"That must've been so cool!" you said.

"I'll get him to interview with one of us," Adrien said. "Who wants to do it?"

"Me!" you yelled.

The librarian looked at you with a glare on her face.

"Sorry," you whispered.

"Alright, I'll tell him to go to your place," Adrien said. "What's your address?"

"Wait, my house? Chat Noir cannot be in my house!" you yelled.

Your room. Filled with posters and pictures of him. If he saw your room, he'd file a restraining order.

"Why not?" Adrien asked.

"Because . . . I'd have to clean my room," you lied.

"That's fine, I'm sure he won't mind if your rooms a little untidy," Adrien said.

You sighed and gave him your address. He wrote it down.

"How is tonight?" Adrien asked.

"It's good," you whispered.

"Ms. Bustier gave us a list of questions. They're in the instruction slides," Adrien said.

"Are we going to make slides or a poster about Chat Noir?" you asked.

A Simp For A Superhero (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now