Chapter Five

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You grabbed Adrien before class.

"Listen, you said that you know Chat Noir, right?" you asked. Adrien nodded. "Can you tell him hi for me, I'm a big fan."

"I'd say that you were more than that. I saw your room on the video call that one time," Adrien said.

"Listen, I just want you to tell him hi. Can you please do that for me, Adrien?" you begged.

Adrien smiled. "Alright."

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You laughed as you and your friends talked. You were in your house, doing a video chat on your laptop.

"Adrien and Marinette are so much better than Luka and Marinette!" someone laughed.

"But Luka is more her type!" someone replied.

"Guys! You do realize that I'm right here, right?" Marinette said.

You laughed. "Sometimes, I wish I had a group of people who would set me up with Chat Noir, like you have with Adrien, but now is not one of those times."

You suddenly heard a male voice. "Hey!"

You screamed and grabbed the nearest item. It was your pillow and you threw it at the intruder without even looking at them.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

When you finally saw who it was, you gasped.

"Y/n, what's wrong?!" everybody on your call gasped.

"Nothing!" you lied. "I have to go!"

You slammed your laptop shut and looked at Chat Noir.

"Why the hell are you in my room?!" you snapped.

"Adrien told me that you wanted to say hi," Chat Noir replied.

"How did you get in?" you asked.

"You left the window open," Chat said.

You suddenly realized that your room was covered in pictures of him. He seemed to realize it too, because he laughed.

"Wow, do you stalk me or something?" Chat Noir asked.

"No! All the posters are from Amazon and my friend Alya printed out the pictures for me," you promised. Alya was the owner of the LadyBlog, so she had lots of pictures of Chat Noir.

"It didn't look like this last time I was here," Chat said.

"Uh . . ." You blushed, trying to come up with an excuse other than 'I didn't want you to know that I'm a creepy fan'. "I was redecorating my room at that time."

"I see," Chat said. He seemed fascinated by my room.

"So, was the only reason you came here to say hi?" you wondered.

"I also wanted to see if you would come with me somewhere," Chat said.

"Where?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll have to come with me to find out," Chat smirked.

"I'm not allowed to leave the house past dark unless I'm with my mom or friends," you said.

A Simp For A Superhero (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now