Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Phil apparently was very fast for an old man. He hadn't even used his wings to catch Quackity and keep the him from escaping the property. Had even jumped the fence without touching it, which was crazy, wasn't age suppose to slow you down or something? Quackity had to do the walk of shame with Wilbur snickering at the door, and Techno looking like he just proved a point, whatever that was. So here Quackity sat, once again in the nest with Phil's big black wings wrapped around him, after pulling Techno's spare, red, soaking wet and ice covered cloak from his shoulders, rambling about how Quackity wasn't use to the cold and that his wings could get frostbite if not careful, something about them not having the muscle mass and feathers needed for the cold. And while Quackity was upset about losing his freedom, the bird in his head sang with happiness, and urging him to answer whenever Phil chirped at him. Those chirps sending a wave of calm through him that he didn't even want to fight, when he was brought back to the nest.

Techno and Wilbur were both still not allowed in and apparently Phil was upset Techno wouldn't let him go search for Quackity, hence why the two were not in the room at the moment, but sitting in the hallway outside the door, watching as Phil preened Quackity's feathers.

"So, Tommy should be back in a few day but I want to go ahead and start flight training on the ground." Phil was saying, talking out what they had to do, which was a lot but consider Quackity didn't feel he had much of a choice he was barely listening, especially with his instincts just having him melt at Phil's touch, where he was leaning against the man. "Wilbur are you listening to me? And get out of the nest, you still banned." Phil said, with hiss at the end.

"I am. I know, but.... It looks like you drugged him." Wilbur answered, scooting back so he wasn't in the room.. Quackity could see between a few of Phil's feathers where his head was resting against the older avains collarbone. Wilbur was staring at him, with a calculated look.

"Its his instincts, mate. Tommy does the same thing." Phil chuckled. Quackity hummed, at the sound, his instinct happy that someone in the flock was happy and that he had made him happy.

"No, Tommy gets that look and shakes out of it just as fast. Even you don't stay down for this long." Wilbur corrected, eyes flicking to Phil.

And that was a bit confusing. Was Quackity not suppose to feel all floaty and happy while having his wings preened or by having another avain hug up to him?

"This is what I was trying to tell you, mate. He was raised human. Has been human. His wings came in so late he doesn't know how to control his instincts. However, the more he goes down, the quicker he'll learn to come back. Tommy learned fast how to come back from him so not get lost in his instincts, but its going to be a while before Quacktiy learns. That why," Phil explained, a hand coming to tilt Quackity's head up so they were looking at each other eye to eye. His instincts singing at having Phil's attention on him. "He's got to re-imprint on me. Which I think is going swimmingly, thanks to the results of Techno's unexpected experiment." Phil chirped, and Quackiy sent a little smile his way. That chirp meant Phil was pleased with him. "Already starting to learn what the chirps mean, aren't you?" Phil asked with a knowing smile. Making a twittering sound at Quackity that had him smiling, up at Phil. Phil was very pleased with him.

"Eh, either way I got him out of the house. He was getting antsy, Phil. He's a soldier. Soldiers can't stay still for too long. Got the house to myself for a bit at least." Techno huffed by the door.

"Don't think I didn't notice him wearing one of your capes, Techno. You're not fooling anyone." Wilbur teased. In which Techno shoved at him, pushing him from the doorway.

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