Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Quackity laid on the couch watching the embers dies out. Techno hadn't gone to bed until really late, and Quackity was just waiting just to be sure his enemy was asleep before trying to make a run for it. Techno was a fool if he thought no shoes was gong to stop him from trekking it to the nearest village. But then not most people would be desperate enough to go walking barefoot in the snow. It had been going on two hours since Techno had went to bed, surely that was enough time for him to be deep asleep. Very slowly Quackity got off the couch, and leaned so he could look up the stairs, just to make sure Techno wasn't just sitting up there waiting for him to make a move.

He had to admit he was a little surprised, Techno had actually not tried to physically trap and was willing to give him freedom to roam. Well, that was the pigs first mistake. There was no way in hell Quackity was going to just willingly stay put, just because Techno demanded it. The Anarchist was losing his touch in retirement and Quackity was going to take full advantage of it. Phil's wings were set and splinted, Quackity had done his part; no matter how unwilling it was. He was leaving now and returning to his own home. Actually, he was going to go and make a new place and this time not try to keep in contact with people, cause fuck it, if he leaves breadcrumbs for Techno to find him and hunt him down again.

Quackity opened the front door of the house only wide enough for him to slip out, and made sure to close it again. The frigid wind nipping at him now that he was outside, it was so cold that he could see his breath. Techno really had to build a foundation in the coldest place on earth, didn't he. He shivered, his wings coming to wrap around him in an effort to keep warm. Lot of good it did him. His wings weren't big like Phil's, who's wings were so big, the tips almost dragged the ground. The feathers on his wings puffed up the more the wind pushed against him, as he tried to remember which way the nearest village was. Ignoring how cold his feet were, as he walked to the edge of the porch. He didn't want to touch actual snow yet, until he could decide the direction he want to go.


The sharp sound had sounded so near and unexpected, that Quackity yelp and bolt slightly, turning to look behind him as he jumped from the porch, in and effort to not let anything sneak up on him. Only it appeared he jumped in the snow for nothing, as there wasn't anyone there. "What the hell?" He cursed, rubbing at his face. Prime, he was so stressed, he wouldn't be surprised if his feathers fell out from it.

"Caw Caw!!" Now that he had calmed slightly, Quackity was able to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. Sitting on one of the window ledges sat a very large crow, eyes? Now that he was looking there were several crows sitting on the top of the house an other edges of the building. A few even glided to the spot he had been standing in on the porch. The other crows looked normal and seemed to range in different sizes.....And they were all looking at Quackity.....

"Okay.....this is... not freaky at all." He mumbled, taking very cautiously slow steps back.

"Caw!! Caw!!" The big crow said, flapping its wings a bit as it hopped from it spot on the window ledge and took position on a nearby lamp post.

"Shhh! Shut up. You stupid bird." He shushed, still taking slow steps back. Why were all these crows here? This was so weird.

The big crow with the weird blues eyes, that was making all the noise seemed to puff its feathers out more, and could crows glare? Cause Quackity was feeling glared at. The crow tilted its head slightly, and let out the quietest sound yet; a single chirp. The swarm of crows that littered the top of the house erupted in screeches and shriek sounding crowing that had sure alerted and woke Techno if the light flicking on in one of the windows was anything to go by. "Quackity!" Techno's voice roared.

Scattered Feathersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें