Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Brain was still on Steve when he felt a shift deep within him. Something being taken away from him. It didn't take long to find out why he felt the shift until thirty-two crows popped into existence in front of him, and fell to the ground dead. Thirty-two could he had been in charge of taken back to the void, where their bodies could not stay. He was the flocks gateway, but they had to wait for permission, from the Goddess before doing so. She had to meet them to anchor them to their bodies and see they have safe passage. The dead before him had forced their way through, with the safety of the Goddess. And Brain had failed in keeping the crows safe from even themselves.

As he gazed at the fallen of his flock he did not grieve for them. The crows always came back, gift with rebirth every five years. A way to ensure that they did not cheat nature and nice little loop hole to stay with Phil for eternity. But to shorten the lives of so many who had given up their time anger the otherworldly crow greatly. And he was going to make the trouble makers responsible very aware of their grievances against those he overseen. No one messed with his fledglings. It didn't matter if they were gifted with reincarnation. No one but the Goddess was allowed to send the crows back to the void.

With an angry hiss, Brian left the barn and made to Techno's house, hovering in front of the closed door and waited for it to magically open to let him in, before closing behind him. Phil's unruly fledgling were upstairs getting a scolding and Brian was going to give his two cents on the matter.


Quackity laid in the nest. The journey back a bit of a blur having been trapped in his instincts, but now he was slowly coming back. Finding himself curled around Phil who was sitting in the nest. Positioned where Quackity was half in his lap, and face hidden in the folds of the Crow Hybrids robes. Quackity whimpered as the muscles in his wings and back ached with pain which had Phil cooing bring those instincts back up, but not as strong, but enough that any thoughts of pulling away vanished, as Phil's hand came to lightly massage his scalp, making the rest of his body relax again. His throat felt raw as a constant sad imitation of a twittering sound berated his ears.

"Fear is never the answer when it come to instincts! I thought you knew that Wilbur!, Prime knows I raised you not to be so callus when it comes to instincts!" Phil was saying, his voice rising before trying to lower it, feeling Quackity flinch whenever an angry screech followed behind his words.

And Quackity's instincts screamed at him to lay still and quiet and stay with Phil. Don't bring anymore attention to himself. The hairs on the back of his neck letting him know that Wilbur and Technoblade were right behind him facing Phil.

"I thought you wanted him to fly. Quackity's a fast learner, Phil. And a top notch manipulator, its best to get rid of him as fast as possible." Wilbur argued. "Your instinct to parent, is something we don't need him to latch onto and use against you. Like now he's chirping! A good sign that he knows how! Techno back me up here!"

Quackity's ears picking up on the quiet broken twittering sounds and his instinct let him slowly realize that the wrong sounding bird sounds were coming from him. He bird brain not letting him stop, and instead urged him to hold onto Phil tighter. "Don't look at me for help. I told you there was a blizzard coming. I told you to come down from that monstrosity. And I told you to stop taunting him. Today was not the day!" Techno grunted. Quackity's wings twitched at the sound of Techno's voice reawakening the aches in them.

Phil's hand stopped massaging Quackity's scalp and for a moment his grip seemed to tighten before resuming its motions. "I expected both of you to act mature about this. Do you know your little stunt cost the lives of thirty-two of my crows. Thirty-two adolescents crows forced themselves back into the void to get me. To break the ritual with Kristen. I expected better of both of you!" Phil hissed.

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