Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

There was so much pain when he sprouted his wings. The whole process took the entire night, filled with him trying not to scream as his back was split open. It was a horrible experience that left him weak, in pain, and sick, yet Quackity wasn't able to just stay home. He had a job to do and no time to worry about the sudden appearance of the wings now on his back, so he tied his wings close to his back ignoring how much it hurt to do so. Just so no one would know he grew them. After all, he had a country to straighten out. He and Jschlatt were partners now and he wasn't going to let a pair of wings get in his way.

"You look like shit." Jaschlatt comment, later that same day. They were on a lunch break, looking over forms and going over plans, for once the election was over.

"Didn't get any sleep." Quackity huffed out, being careful not to let his back lean against the chair he was sitting in. It was so painful. It had been a chore to it make through the day with the extra weight on his back, that was nothing if not torture, because of the pain that came with it.

"Yeah, taking over a country isn't easy, but once I'm in office we can get rid of Wilbur and that stupid little hybrid that's following him around squawking all the time. Brat gives me a headache." Jschlatt commented. "It's going to nice not seeing feathers all over the place."

Quackity could feel his new wings flinch at the comment. He probably would have agreed right away, if he hadn't sprouted wings during the night. "Yeah. Tommy is annoying." He nodded, signing a form.

Jschlatt chuckled, as he got up to stretch his legs. "We're going to do some great things together me and you." He said, giving Quackity a few fond pats on the back, before leaving to get more coffee. "Cream and sugar?" He asked as he walked away.

Quackity bit back a whimper and something else that wanted to escape his throat, thankful that Jschlatt had his back turned. "You know me so well." He answered after a few seconds as his bound new wings spasm and sent stabbing sharp pains to his shoulder blades, all the way to his spine. No one could know.

He wasn't a hybrid. He was a human. He wasn't a stupid bird.

"Hey." Jschlatts voice called somewhere behind him. "You okay?"

"Huh?" Quackity blinked his eyes. His vision was getting blurry.

"You awake, mate?" Quackity snapped his eyes open at the sound of Jschlatts voice taking on a different tone, meeting sharp blue eyes looking down at him.

"What the fuck?" Quackity shout, immediately awake and throwing a punch, as he rolled to his feet.

Phil was quick to lean away, from the in coming blow to the face. "Whoa there. Don't want Techno getting the wrong idea. He can be a bit protective." The Crow Hybrid smiled. Pointing to the pig hybrid, who was leaning against the door asleep on it, effectively blocking the exit. "I thought we'd talk before I go and wake him up for the day."

Quackity found himself grabbing the nearest item for a weapon, which was a pillow. "You crooked old bastard!!" Quackity shouted, wielding the pillow as a weapon. "I'm gonna kill! I'm gonna pluck your feathers out and make arrows to use for target practice on your rotting corpse!"

Phil laughed, as he guarded his face with his arm, his good wing curling around to help in a curtain of black feathers. "Easy, mate. Little early for rough housing." He cautioned.

Quackity huffed. He attack halting with the pillow held at the ready in the air over his shoulder. He momentarily realized that his wings were mantled up, and closed them. He wished he could hurt Phil, but he knew Techno would wake and stop him before he even did anything that he could be proud of.

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