Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Damn it, Quackity!" Jscklatt cursed, slamming the door to the presidents office shut. "What the hell was that?!"

Quackity hissed out annoyed. "You left me!" He didn't know how else to explain it. He got nervous without Jschlatt nearby. He felt alone and he didn't want to be alone. His instincts didn't want him to be alone. He'd been feeling like this ever since he got his wings.

"That's no excuse! I told you to stay for however long it took to break down those walls!" Jschlatt argued back. "What the hell is wrong with you, that you got to be up my ass all the time?!"

"I don't know! I think its the wings, okay!" Quackity admitted.

Jschlatt scoffed. "Oh, so now its the wings fault that you are turning into a stalker and neglecting your duties."

"I didn't say that!" Quackity shouted annoyed. He didn't know why he was doing it but two days of watching the destruction of the wall, was two day too many without Jschlatt near him.

"If their the problem maybe you should just cut the damn things off!" Jschlatt suggested.

Quackity's words caught in this throat as his whole back stiffened at the suggestion. His wings, bound as they were shuffled painfully in their binding, uncomfortable.

"You slack on your duties again, then I'll help you personally! Now get out of my office! Don't come back till that wall is gone." Jschlatt ordered.

Quackity didn't say another word, and obeyed, leaving the office, silently fuming over the sense of hurt that he couldn't understand why it hurt so bad. He felt like he just disappointed the one person that was important to him. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let himself fail. Something in him wanted approval.

Fingers carded through his feathers, and were massaging the muscles in his wings, loosening the tight muscles and chasing away the tension in them. It felt so nice. Hazily, he became aware of letting his wings spread out more.

Quackity hummed. When had Jschlatt learned to massage like that?

"Never thought I see him this relaxed." A gravely voice chuckled, it seemed to be on his left side.

"Wonders what a little preening will do to temperament." Another more softer voice said on his right.

Quackity, tried blinking his eyes open, because it wasn't normal for Jschlatt to let someone else see his wings. He thought they had an agreement. No one, but the two of them would ever know. Try as he might he couldn't get his eyes to open, and even when they did, his vision was so blurry everything was a mess of colors. Like right now a mash up of green, black, and yellow was on his right side and making cooing noises. And his brain was too tired really try and remember who the voices belong to. What mattered now was that his instincts and body was in love with the work those fingers were doing.

"You're doing so well, mate." The green blob praise, with more cooing noises, that had his wings do a little happy flaps, that brought back the little aches. the movements caused the fingers to pause, but only for a few seconds before they got back to work, carding through his feathers.

The fingers were gently moving through his feathers, and in their wake took the itching away and the aches dulled down to almost nothing. It felt so good, he was sure his body could melt from it. He sighed contently. He'd never had this done before. And his instincts were in love with those fingers on both wings. He could lay there forever like this.

"Bruh, he's so out of it. I bet he doesn't even fully comprehend what we're saying. Much less, if he's letting me touch him." The gravely voice said, and Quackity wanted to turn his head see what color the other voice was, but he was unable to get his neck to listen to his wants. So, he wasn't worried about it too much

Scattered Feathersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें