Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The days went by slowly to Quackity. Techno never really stayed in the house, but Phil was a constant headache, on top of the stupid crow that wouldn't leave him alone. It was just as bad as Phil, if not worst. It kept wearing the stupid ribbon and was constantly trying to perch on him. It followed him everywhere, stole his food. Even tried to mess with his feathers and cuddle. Phil had said something about the crow being called MeercatRanger or something, it was ridiculous to say the least. Quackity was loosing his mind, he wanted no part of any of this and it seemed the longer he was there, his wings were getting super itchy, and were starting to ache. Instincts that he had tried to ignore and bury were starting to make themselves known. He was starting to feel crabby and sleepy too, and wanting to stay in the nest. It was horrible. They were trying to brainwash him, that had to be it. He had to get out of this house. He had to leave. He just had to wait for the perfect moment.

Phil's wing was needing less bandages, and he was starting to be able to move it more often. Meaning that Quackity was going to be able to leave soon. Phil couldn't keep him trapped here if he no longer needed him. So, when Phil was able to flex the wing without much pain, Quackity couldn't help but feel hope that his stay was going to end soon. Although Phil's behavior was saying otherwise.

So, when Quackity woke up one day, just before the sun had risen, to find himself alone in the nest room, except for the pesky crow, he was surprised. Usually Phil, was hovering nearby.

He looked around the room, while waving the crow away, the creature was pulling at his hair for some reason. Techno wasn't even in the room. "They left me alone?" He mumbled.

The little crow flew to the window in the room and pecked at the glass. Pulling his attention to it. Looking out Quackity caught sight of Phil, standing on the porch seeming to gaze at the forest, as large flock of crows weaved between the branches, like they were dancing or something. "So, much for not leaving the nest when the bandages come off." Quackity huffed. He spotted Techno disappearing into the barn, after saying something to Phil, who didn't seem to be listening.

They left him alone; His mind whispered. Quackity smiled as an idea hit him. "Well, if he can go outside. Then I can go outside." He said.

The little crow cawed and flew around his face as soon as he said those words. He merely shooed it away and went for the door, still the crow seemed to try and stop him, cawing and screeching at him. He finally had enough and grabbed the bird catching it by its legs. "Look here. I don't know what's with all you crows, but if you're not with me, you're against me. And its not like I need something like you following me around. Now buzz off." He growled, tossing the little crow back into the net room and closing the door in screeching birds face. "Time for me to vacate the nest." Quackity cheered. He stopped only to search the chest he could see, not finding anything too useful. Which he suspected Techno cleared out anything that could be used as a weapon. The only thing he could find that could be of any use were a pair of old leather boots that were a bit too big, but not too bad, rope, and an old wooden pickax, that looked worse for wear, but it would have to do. He also grabbed a blanket to help ward off the cold, since he couldn't find a jacket anywhere.

"Now the hard part. Sneaking off the property." He mumbled, going down the stairs and to one of the windows at the back of the house. He Made sure to peek up just to make sure no crow was watching the spot before climbing out, and making a run for it. He ignored the subtle dizziness in his head, more focused on freedom, more than anything else. He only had a few moments before Phil noticed, and would come after. He had to put enough distance between himself and them. He just had to remember the way across the snowy tundra.

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