Over the next couple weeks, Chloe forced her presence on Beca as much as possible. This slowly got a little easier as the weeks went by, and Beca was starting to become comfortable around Chloe. Chloe loved the chase of how hard-to-get Beca was.

Chloe knocked, and then proceeded to walk right into Beca's dorm. She saw Beca at her desk working on some music. Beca turned when she heard Chloe walk in.

"Uh, hey." Beca said as she turned back to her computer. She kept her headphones on.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm just bored and figured maybe you were too." No response. "Can I hear what you're working on?"

Beca liked when people had an interest in her music, it was one of the things she didn't mind people "invading."

"Sure, come sit over here." There was only one chair, so Beca was referring to the edge of the bed next to her.

"Scooch." Chloe motioned for Beca to scoot over on her desk chair to make room for Chloe.

Again, for an unexplainable reason, Beca didn't mind Chloe's demand. She scooted and Chloe sat.

"Ok, I'll start from the beginning," Beca said. Chloe took the headphones off of Beca's neck and placed them on her head.

"This is amazing Beca! How do you do this?" Chloe really meant this, regardless of trying to win Beca over.

"Thanks, Chloe." She smiled. Chloe smiled back purely because she had never gotten Beca to smile at her before, and she was excited.

Weeks of Bellas practice went by, and Beca had started to let Chloe into her life more and more. She found that she actually liked having a friend like Chloe, someone to pull her out of her shell.

Chloe on the other hand felt like she was getting so close to her goal. Beca was one of her longer pursuits, but she was confident it would happen before summer.

"Come on Beca hurry up!" Chloe was on the other side of the door waiting to go to a party. Beca had locked the door, so she was stuck out there.

"Coming! Just getting my shoes!" Beca grabbed her shoes and sprayed on some of her favorite perfume. She stepped out to find a very impatient Chloe.

"Mmm you smell good." Chloe couldn't help but flirt. She felt like what she wanted was coming soon.

Beca didn't pay mind to the comment, but she wasn't opposed to it.

When they got to the party, Chloe dragged Beca off to go get drinks.

The night went on and both girls were a little tipsy, but neither drank too much. Beca and Chloe found themselves talking in a secluded area.

"I'm really glad we became friends this year Chloe." Chloe smiled back at her and grabbed Beca's wrists, pulling her in closer.

"Me too Becs." Chloe landed a kiss on Beca's lips before she could react. Beca pulled away and blushed.

Chloe could tell Beca didn't mind their kiss, but she was still a little unsure of their relationship.

"Wanna go back to my room? Watch a movie?" Chloe blinked her big blue eyes at Beca. Beca loved those eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, Chlo." Beca hated movies, but she loved the idea of going back to Chloe's to watch one. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was because Beca actually liked Chloe.

The girls weaved their way through the crowd and made it out of the party. Chloe, per usual, had Beca by the wrist as if they would lose each other otherwise.

"Here we are!" Beca realized at that moment she had never even been to Chloe's dorm. Chloe made so much effort to check in on Beca, and she had never done the same.

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