"She's my sister," I heard Lulu yell. She turned the corner and rushed towards me, she sat in front of me and sighed. "I can't believe you're in here."

"We all know I was bound to end up in here someday," I muttered.

"Don't say that."

I got up and sat back on the bench. I looked back at the clock. "Nine hours, sixteen minutes minutes, and fifty two seconds."


"That's how long I've been in here." I looked at her, then saw Calum sit next to her.

"I have good news," she said, smiling and holding Calum's hand.

"Congrats," I said sarcastically.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood." I rolled my eyes. Of course she would, she's always been the good and I've been the bad. "Lola, why did you do it?"

"Because I'm stubborn! I couldn't let it go, I had to prove that it's Max's dad that did it. That he raped my best friend!"

She let go of Calum's hand a stood up. "Max's dad?" She yelled.

"You didn't tell her?" I asked Calum.

Calum stood up. "Well, I was to busy getting my ass kicked," he counted. "Looking for Piper, driving to pick up you and Luke, pushing myself to quit smoking, and trying to win this girl back. So I never really got around to it." Lulu rubbed his arm to calm him down.

"I should've told you," I muttered.

She sighed. "It's not important about who should've told me right now. We need to find a way to get you out of here."

"Anne hasn't come back yet?" I asked. They shook they're heads and looked back at the clock. Nine hours, twenty two, thirty seconds. I'm not getting out here anytime soon if I don't tell them exactly where I put the evidence. But those were just copies. "Do you still have the thumb drive?" I asked Calum.

"Right here," he patted his pocket.

I sighed. "I need you to turn that in to Anne." I gripped the bench when I realized Luke's not going to find it, he won't understand. "She won't find the papers, but she'll have everything on that drive."

"Where did you put the copies?"

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter now. Just give her the thumb drive."

He nodded and gave Lulu a kiss before leaving us. I got up and walked over to Lulu. She smiled and tilted her head. "I'm happy you finally caught the guy," she said. "But you really need to talk to him."

I shook my head. "I can't, but I need you to do me a favor."

"Sure, what is it?" She asked happily.

"I need you to take all my things out of Luke's place and bring them home."

She frowned. "Why?"

"I broke our promise and I hurt him, so we're done."


"I need you to do this for me, Lu. I can't stay there anymore." Tears started to well up.

"Why are you two done?"

I took in a breath, then sighed, letting the tears fall from my eyes. "I told him that if I hurt him, then it's over between us. I promised him I'd stop looking after he found out about those threats, but I couldn't help myself. I needed to know the truth."

She reached over and wiped my tears. "I'll go get your things," she whispered.

I nodded and wiped the tears myself and watched her walk away from me. I sat back down then looked at the clock again. Nine hours, forty-nine minutes, forty-five seconds.

"This is how I spend my mother's day? Picking you up from jail?" Mom asked as I was released and uncuffed.

"I got a present for you at least," I muttered.

"What is it?" She crossed her arms.

"I didn't have sex on prom night," I smiled weakly.

"That's not funny, Lola. Now let's go, we have things to discuss."

I rolled my eyes and followed her out. It took twelve hours, fifteen minutes, and fifty-five seconds to get me out of here. Luke wasn't here anymore and I watched Mr. Owen get his thumb prints and mug shots done. His son was fired when I was leaving.

(A/N): I'm probably hurting you guys right now. But things had to happen for a reason.

This chapter was more like a filler chapter, but it's important. Did anyone notice how I made references to Amnesia? Make up running down her face when she told him she was leaving him? No one?

I hate science, don't put me in a science class. Especially a marine biology class. I hate it so much.

So Luke and Calum posted on twitter about being sick. I hope they get better, send your love to them!!!

So, new story, need your guys help to motivate me to publish it. I can't wait for you guys to read it, but I'm also scared to post it

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