Chapter 2 - Familiarity

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Marco desperately wanted to stay in his room for however long he could. Suddenly out of nowhere a buzzing noise brought him out of his thoughts. He was receiving a call from the place where he did a job interview; he got the job! He was pleased but at the same time not really because he knew what was coming. His job that he just got was in his hometown where he grew up. He knew familiar faces were going to be there and he wasn't ready to face them at all. Not yet, not until he got everything in order. He felt like a complete mess, and he didn't know where to start. Marco had to get his life together. It had been years since his father lost his job and he just didn't know what to do. He was aware that he was slaking off and doing nothing with his pathetic life. He thought that starting of with getting a job would help him move forward and do something with himself. 'Great, I just had to get a job in my old hometown', Marco thought.

Weeks later, Marco got everything figured out or, at least he was telling himself that. He worked out the technical problems he was facing rather than the emotional ones. He got himself an appartement and figured out the move on his own. How he felt about the whole situation came second next to the new organization tasks he had managed.

Throughout the years that he lived away from everything he once had and wished to keep, Marco struggled a lot with his studies. He graduated from high school but wasn't doing well in university. He took a program that he thought was interesting, but it didn't last long. He started to fail his classes and finally just dropped out. Since then, Marco was just dealing with his mental health and keeping everything in check. Anxiety attacks happened quite frequently and he didn't understand why he was still having them. His father got a new joband they were doing well. Although Marco made it look like he didn't understand why he felt like this, deep down, he knew the cause of this crippling emotion.

The sole reason why he felt broken inside is because he wasn't home. He didn't have his friends, his family that's how he would classify them as, he lost them all and now he can't go back to them. It wouldn't be the same as before, it just couldn't be the same. He messed everything up. If he hadn't ignored his "family" and let them help him, he wouldn't be where he is right now. Marco regrets everything. He feels as if his friends won't accept him again and he doesn't blame them. He can't blame them. He was just straight up mean to them, even if they didn't deserve any of it. After a while, they even stopped messaging him and he thought they had lost hope for him. Marco tried to imagine what it would be like to see them again. How the expression on their faces would look and what they would think of him coming back to their town. Would they ignore him? Would they be torn? Marco had no idea but was he willing to take that chance? Absolutely! He loved them, missed them. He would do anything to see them again, to see him again. He was just utterly scared to face them if ever they would reject him. Marco couldn't imagine it if they ever decidde to reject him. He started to feel his chest ache at those infuriating thoughts but decided to put them away and take it step by step.

It's been a week since Marco moved into his appartment. He was feeling a little down to leave his father, but he knew he would try his best to visit him from time to time. He started work the next week and all that he had been doing was preparing to be ready for his first day and settling into his new home. Marco hadn't left his place yet for fear of bumping into someone he knew. He didn't feel quite ready to confront them yet. He knew it would be inevitable that he wouldend up seeing someone sooner than later though.

The time has finally come. On his way to work, Marco tried his absolute best to not be noticed by someone from fear of being caught and recognized. He arrived safely at his work and walked in to be greeted by a lady with light brown hair. She welcomed him in and brought him to wait for his superior . As they were walking, Marco thought to himself that this place is very well organized because she was already expecting him . Now, Marco is waiting for that said man to arrive. Stress started to overflow in him as the seconds passed. He knew that nothing bad wouldhappen, but still he couldn't help himself feel anxious for fear of ruining his first (or second) impression.

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