She knew she hit the nail in the head when Issac looked upset, and breath out in relief. That ought to convince him.

While Issac wanted to argue back and tell her that his friend can keep a secret, he could only bite his tongue.  This wasn't only about keeping a secret. They'd be meeting with Jason frequently about their resort as he was an investor, Issac can't just kick him out.

Christian wasn't a convincing actor. He can't act to save his life and if he did tell him Issac would have to worry about Jason knowing something was going on behind the scenes.

"Fine." He sighed out, grasping her reasoning but Riley could detect his distress.

Lillian and Issac soon left with Riley reiterating them to be careful.

"If anything happens, or you feel uncomfortable. Call me right away. I will come to you as fast my car lets me." Issac said as soon as he started the engine.

Lillian nodded her head.

"If kitty troubles you or something, call me right away. I will come to you right away."

"Absolutely not. I will call to keep you updated but you aren't allowed to come visit me." He vehemently dismissed the idea and told her in a stern tone. "As much as I hate to admit it, staying with Vincent is the safest idea right now."

Lillian nodded her head in understanding.

"Are you excited to live with Issac?" Lillian asked with an undercurrent of excitement, looking over the seat and at the furry animal in her cage- who was busy licking her paws clean, ignoring Lillian. Sulking about being put in the tiny cage after living freely- lazing around like a lion- in her human's apartment.

"I think she's mad." Lillian chuckled with a soft expression. "She likes good looking men so I think she's going to enjoy living with you." She continued, straightening herself so she was facing Issac.

"Well then she's certainly gonna love living with me. Though Christian isn't as handsome as me, I suppose you can call him that as per kitty's standards." Issac shrugged nonchalantly, jealously coursing through his veins and attacking him like the sting of thousand small bees.


"You're kidding!" Casey gasped-exclaimed bringing her hand to her mouth in shock as Riley narrated what happened throughout the day through the phone.

"Wish I was." Riley replied.

"Any idea what we are gonna do?"

"Yea." She said before narrating the plan Lillian, Issac and herself concocted.

"Hmm." Casey hummed in respose, letting the idea sink in. "I don't think that's enough." She then said in an apologetic tone. It was good, just not good enough.

Jason has managed to keep his interference with the underworld under the wraps all this time, and a mere report about his father is not going to make much of a difference to him. Not unless there was enough evidence proving that he had taken part in it, to rip his mask off in public.

Unless... there was something more.

Now that she thought of it, the girl she was keeping on eye on was a variable. But there was a chance she'd be willing to help them....

But if Jason knew about their scheme to overthrow him then he will likely get rid of her so they needed to do something even bigger to divert his attention from her when her brother speaks to her.

What would be an even bigger obstacle that he'd forgot the girl.

Obstacle.... bigger one....

Threaten Jason.... shake his reputation....

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