"But what?" Jade asks.

"This morning, Miss Steinfeld came by her office," Leigh lowered her voice to a whisper. "She gave a report personally to Sergeant Edwards, which I found a little weird because Forensic people don't normally come up here just to personally drop a report. They usually send it through email or they send a messenger to deliver the files."

"And?" curiosity got the better of Jade.

"And...they left the office together..." Leigh-Anne revealed. Jade was silent for a moment, unable to get a word out. "Jade? Are you still there?"

"Yeah..." Jade's answer came out like a hushed whisper and released a deep breath that Leigh caught on the other line.

"Oh! I have to go, Jade. Payno is here and we have another crime scene to visit. I'll talk to you later!" Jade wasn't able to respond because Leigh hang-up the phone already.

Jade then puts down her phone and continues watching Lucifer on Netflix, but her attention wasn't in the series but at the newfound information she got from Leigh-Anne.

That night, Perrie found herself in a pub near the FBI's Headquarters. Her shift ended a while ago, and she decided to go out alone.

She was at the counter of the bar and was drinking her cocktail for a while. There had been a handful of men and women who tried to get her attention; but she didn't even glanced at them. She just wants to go solo tonight.

"Drinking alone?" a woman asked, and it irked Perrie. She rolled her eyes and was about to give the woman a piece of her mind but when she turned to the side, she was surprised.

"Jesy?" Perrie's wide-eyed seeing her superior in a bar. She wasn't able to hear Jesy's voice because the pub was packed, that was besides the fact that there were billiard tables nearby and the men and women playing were a little noisy.

Jesy sat down on the wooden stool beside her and casted a questioning look at what the blonde was drinking. "That's not even a decent drink."

Jesy called the bartender and ordered 2 Bruichladdich Quadrupled Whiskey for her and Perrie.

"You know that I'm not a hard drinker," Perrie reminds Jesy.

Jesy shot a glance at the blonde, "Don't worry, just for tonight. Besides, drinks are on me. Let me treat you this time." Perrie smiled at Jesy's gesture. It's extremely rare that she bonds with the woman at a bar. When they hang outside of work, it's usually over dinner or lunch at a resto, never in a bar. "You probably don't know this, but I noticed your gloomy mood since you suspended Jade."

Perrie's eyes widened at Jesy's words and downed the drink on the spot. Perrie coughed at the bitter taste of the liquor before asking, "Am I that obvious to you?"

"Easy with that whiskey, Perrie. That's extremely potent and pure," Jesy warned her as she took a sip of her drink. "And to answer your question, it's not just me. I'm sure your team noticed it, too."

Perrie sighs, "I'm just...troubled, Jes. I know what I did was right–"

"Was it, though?"

"What do you mean?"

Jesy downs the drink without making a face, "Perrie, if you think you did the right thing, then why are you here? Why do you act indifferent at work and not talk to anyone, not leaving your office from the start till the end of your shift?"

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