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I was so skeptical into seeing this man I once shared a bed with. A man I one loved with everything in me. It was not a bad idea after all, hey. Here we are laughing and talking about the old high school memories. 
“Remember when you passed out, the time you drank incika?” I ask him. He sides eye me and I burst into laughter annoying other patients. 
“Do not remind me of that day. I almost got expelled in varsity.” he chucks shaking his head. “I saw heaven that day. I could even describe what it looks like.” 
“Yah neh. You were a troublesome growing up. And still is.” I am still laughing my butt off. 
“I'm not that bad.” 
“If you say so Mr Shandu.” We both stay in brief silence staring at one another. 
“You still look beautiful.” the stupidness in me blushes. I look to the side and my heart sinks. Jele trusted me around him. I have to keep my act together!
“I think I should get going.” I say standing up.
“Why? Did I say something wrong?” he tries sitting straight but flinches holding the back of his head. 
“No, I left the kids with Jele.” I shrug my shoulders. That is the fastest response that came to mind. 
“Thank you for caring for my kids. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” the pain in his voice. 
“It's okay. Just try to relax with the kids. They are safe with me.” I say. 
“Thank you, once again.” I smile at his genuine smile. “Can I get a hug? Hope I am not asking for too much.” 
“You are asking for too much.” I say to give him the hug that he wants. The fireworks! A harsh kick on my abdomen makes me tense. I swear this child knows how to make my life a leaving hell. That was not a kick but somehow felt like a scratch. I know I may sound absurd but that is what I felt, and it hurts like hell. I quickly pull out of his embrace. Clear my throat and take steps backwards. I don’t know what I felt but that feeling was never meant to happen. It was not meant to appear in a situation like this. 

I sit in my car buried in thoughts. Simphiwe is my ex-husband! I should let that sink in my skull! I don’t want to find myself confused in a relationship ring fire. I am happy where I am, and I am loved. I rub my bump and smile. I will forever thank Jele for giving me such a beautiful blessing in life. He made me a woman amongst woman, and I was starting to give myself some doubts about my woman hood. My phone beeps...
*Are you still, okay? Let me know if you need to be picked up* I read with a wide smile on my face. This man knows how to really make me happy with just him opening his mouth. I do not remember having any alternations with him. It's always peaceful and filled with laughter. I drive out of the hospital heading straight home. I don’t want to find myself in a situation where I am being kidnapped again. I felt my heart beating fast and my high blood pressure rising. I hate driving out of town, my body just gets weird reactions of fear. 

Thankfully I made it home safe and sound. Sometimes fear takes the hand over me and lets anxiety take the lead. Which is not a good move or act. I step out of the car, I can hear Peppa Pig from the outside. Are these people deaf or what? The first thing I noticed from the doorstep is the dishwasher cloth. I pick it up and the dishes in the sink make me gasp in shock. Jele is trying to kill me here. The reason for him to force me out of the house was because he wanted to mess the house? 
“Jele!” He even has his ugly feet on his table. He has a cute face, surely God gave him the wrong toes. 
“I thought you were going to call me.” he says standing up. The kids are sitting right beside him. 
“I've been gone for just two hours Mr. Only two hours and this is what I find coming back?” I am defeated. 
“My hands were full babe.” his looks will not dare charm me today. I am mad at him for making me run to the hospital where he wanted to have a pig party!
“I will help you clean.” like really the audacity!
“WeMlando. Before I left this house how was it?” I ask him. He mustn't test my patience. 
“Good. Now clean this house before I clean it with your face.” 
He took his time cleaning while I occupied myself with some work. Yes work. Everything seems to be falling into place. The renovations were done not so long ago, just waiting for the stock to be delivered and I am good to go. I have been designing a few clothes these past months just to keep myself busy and trying not to think about the situation I was in. I managed to make a lot of dresses and I must say Jele really brought out the best in me. Me as a shop owner? Not just any shop but a boutique. That is something I never thought would have happen, but it did in a way. As much as I hate to say this, Simphiwe was holding me back. I hate to admit it but it’s the truth. He was supposed to be my cheerleader, my climbing rock and my support system. But our marriage was based on one side only. There may be more subtle forms of codependency at play as well. Consider if I was hesitant to push myself out of my comfort zone — marriage, our marriage was based mostly on feeling comfortable, with little growth happening. The door opens and Jele walks in holding his back. Looks like he is in pain. 
“Babe.” He closes the door behind him. His eyes are red as hell. 
“Yes,” I shift my focus to him. I have been sitting on this bed for hours, I might as well need to stretch. 
“I’m tired.” He gets to the top of the bed and immediately snores. I laughed a bit. Who gets this tired from cleaning? It’s the mess that he made with the kids. I put a flee over his body. I need to make a quick sandwich; I feel a little hungry. We didn’t even get to talk about how everything was. How was my visit to the hospital? We didn’t even touch base on anything at all. I step out of our bedroom heading to the kitchen. I will need to come up with ways to talk to my father about the divorce. With his health on the line - I don’t want to share things that will break his heart. I love that man to moon. We talk every day, and he still thinks that I am still with Simphiwe. I can't just rock up and say, ‘Hei dad, I am divorced’. Somethings are better off left unsaid. Change of mind, I will no longer be having bread. These days I have become a fan of movite. I don’t know whether it’s the sour taste or what. But damn I just love how the explosion happens in my mouth. I see my phone flashing. Maybe it's one of those insurance adverts. I don’t know how many I have blocked but they still get to me. I am ready to block this one as well, but my heart skips a beat when I see Simphiwe’s name flagging across the screen. It is a text from him.
“Did you arrive safely?” That is his question. I find my face stretching a bit. He still cares Afterall. 
“Safe and sound, thanks for checking up on me.” I replied and placed my phone aside.  “Good. It was nice seeing your pretty face. Pregnancy really looks good on you. Can you please send me pictures of our kids.” I sigh suddenly feeling...I don’t know how to explain the feeling but the feeling I am feeling is completely and totally wrong. I sent him a few snaps of the kids, recent pics. He notices that they have lost weight, but he puts his trust in me. I told him what happened and at what state I found the kids in. He was heartbroken but didn’t want to break down in front of me. He wants me to bring steamed bread and sugar beans. Does this man have any idea how much energy and time that shit requires. Absolutely, he has no idea. I shake my head throwing my phone aside. I remember this one day when I bought the steam bread, his words were - ‘who made this for you? This is not my wife's cooking’. 
“I wonder what that is making you smile this late.” Jele says settling next to me. He looks better. 
“You told me to go see that man in hospital, here he is now wanting me to make steamed bread for him.” 
“I don’t see anything wrong with that. The poor man is asking and beside I haven't had that in years.” he replies. 
“Since when have you become the Simphiwe’s spokesperson?” I am nonplussed. Instead of answering my question he smiles showing his white teeth. Now I am lost in his smile. Jele is giving me vibes that confuse me honestly. 

SIMPHIWE SHANDU THE HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now