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Today is my doctor's appointment. Just to see how my leg has been. It's been a month and I must say my leg is healing fine but not what I had anticipated and expected. I still limp but better than other days. It still stings especially when the weather decides to freeze.
“They are doing so slow.” Complains Nozi who has been quite moody lately. I do not know why her mood swings jump from zero to hundred at times.
“I'm sure he is busy with a patient.” I say not wanting to press on her buttons. I don’t want my head to be beaten off Infront of people.
“Yea right.”
What did I say? Her moods are always upside down.
“Next please.” finally the nurse called out for us. Nozi helps me stand and wraps her hand around my waist. Nozi is doing her wobbly walk Infront of us. I cannot believe she now walks. We make our way to the doctor's examination room.
“Dr Shandu.” That is the annoying Jele. I don’t know what the hell he’s doing here.
“What are you doing here?” I hate him. I hate how he carries himself around here. He makes himself indispensable to the team and ensures that he looks better with him on board. No matter how stress-inducing.
“Dr Manzini didn’t tell you? He asked me to take over his patients for today. He has an emergency at home. Shall we begin?”
He is not even giving me a glance.
“I will be outside.” says Nozi ready to dump me here Infront of an enemy. She cannot possibly leave me and be with him in one room. Two bulls can't be in one room. My heart leaps ready to jump out of my throat. I sit down with the help of Nozi and take a deep breath.
“No need to be out mam, you can have a sit and wait for you husband.”
Nozi sits down irritated. I get it she doesn’t want to be here, but she doesn’t have to show.
“How is the leg doing?”
I wish I could tell him to fuckoff but Dr Mazini has faith in him, I guess.
“The pains shoot from time to time. I still limp but it's way better than what it used to.” I speak.
“Can I inspect your leg?”
Why is he so professional or is it because he is behaving Infront of my wife?
“Sure.” I stretched my leg to him. He squats Infront of me and begins to touch every bone and every muscle.
“I believe you have fluid in your leg but I want to confirm first by taking tests. Well, that is if you agree to it, or you will wait for your doctor?”
Is that a historical question? Cause if it is then I don’t understand why he asked me cause it's not making any sense.
“I’d rather wait for my doctor.”
I respond by landing my foot carefully down. I don’t trust him one bit. He will take the tests and later I must be amputated. Never trust the devil
“Okay, I will just leave notes for this and he will contact you regarding the next step.”
I secretly roll my eyes and turn to look at Nozi who is half asleep on the chair. I chuck shaking my head. How the hell will she drive when she is this sleepy. Zuri on the other hand is just sitting there looking at one person to another.
“I will prescribe the medicine for you to tone down the fluid.”
Fore that he can never rob me. That I am sure of. I know what medication I need. So, he is not going to chance me. Never!
I wait for him to finish scribbling and hand me that paper. Surprisingly today he is on his best behavior and I do not know why.
“Nozi, let's go home.” I shake her. She wakes up and looks at me confused.
“Huh?” she's lost. That's it. She is not driving!
She stands up and yawns and picks Zuri up.
“You will find us in the car.”
She walks out.
“Never make fun of one person, even in good fun. It seems obvious, but it's an important point to make. This can make someone feel singled out.” Jele says with a smirk on his face. I knew that he was acting because my wife was here. The devil has awakened.
“Whatever your statement means, I don’t care.”
“Ow trust me you will care one, ow trust me Sir you will care.”
He gives me an evil grin and walks past me whistling. He stops and turns to face me…
“By the way My ex-girlfriend Dudu, your baby mamma cannot get hold of you.” He whistles and walks out leaving me smashed. Did he just mumble everything in one sentence. My heart races up and down. I pulled my phone out and decided to give her a call. My phone is always silent these days.
She picks up on the first ring like she was expecting my call.
“How do you know Jele?’ I ask. I am fuming in anger! Moments of silence are something I do not have!
“Talk Dudu!”
“He is my boyfriend.”
“Ex or…”
“He is my boyfriend.” she repeats. I feel my heart sinking to my testicles. This cannot be happening. So, this adds up all. Jele and his attitude towards me. Him salivating over my wife! I made his girlfriend pregnant!
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I no longer have the energy to be angry. I am just disappointed in myself. I dipped in someone's honey pot.
“I didn't think it…”
“That is the problem with you, you do think. I wonder how you made it in school cause clearly you are not intelligent.”
She keeps quiet for a moment – surely, she's grasping the information, if she knows what I mean.
“The baby has been sick for two months.”
This is all she knows. Baby this baby that!
“Did I not send you money to send her to the hospital or a specialist?” I ask.
“You did. The prophet said the baby needs imbeleko.”
I want to laugh so bad.
“Wel tell that prophet to do an imbeleko for the baby not me. I didn’t tell you to go look for healers in the mountain. Mihlola kaSimphiwe.”
It's pointless talking to this girl. You can never have a meaningful conversation with her. I wonder how Jele approached this girl honestly but that is a question for another day. I swallow a hard full lump that is stuck in my throat.
I take my aching legs towards the pharmacy. I need to tell that girl to prescribe stronger medication for me.
“Simphiwe!” the nerve.
Who the hell is shouting my name for the whole nation to hear? I slowly turn my head, here she is with her big stomach making her penguin walk towards me..
“Babe,” she delighted to see me that I can tell. But this is not the right place nor the time.
I am in no mood to see her face, honestly.
“I am here, with my wife.”
I go straight to the point.
“Okay, I think it’s time we got to know each other since we are going to be a family soon, don’t you think?”
Satan is really testing me. My lungs are exploding.
“Family with who?” I cringe.
I look at her incredulity. I am not believing my eyes and ears.  Did she truly say…
“What have I done?” I ask myself out loud.
“When are you paying the damages?” Another jaw-dropper.
I take time to collect myself.
“We will talk. Can I just go get the medication and I will call you when I get home.”
I look at her with pleading eyes. I want her out of my sight. My house is doing pretty just fine for the whole month without drama and fights. She sighs and smiles.
“I’m sorry. I am just in a lot of pain.”
“Are you not going to ask me how your baby is?”
I thought I was moving forwards but it looks like I am moving ten steps backwards.
“I can no longer stand. I will call you when I get home.”
I leave her standing. I need to be out of this hospital as in yesterday!

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