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Go for a walk. Fresh air does everyone a load of good. Her father told her yesterday after sharing the news with him. Indeed, I woke up this morning for a jog and my nerves seem to be more and more having me wrapped. I should consider going drunk, just maybe I will be able to face them.
“They sent me the questions that they will be grilling me with.” I tell my husband who has been on my case for the past two days. Something in his eyes…something I cannot explain. Is it sadness?
“Do you really have to go this interview?”
What did is say? I know him too well.
“Yes, I am tired of sitting all day doing nothing.”
“It's not like you have any important thing to do moss.”
The she devil is awake. When is this woman leaving my house again? The fact that she gets to swim in every conversation we have annoys the shit out of me.
“You should be looking after this child, your husband's child since your womb cannot produce. You cannot be productive while your womb is not.”
“Mah, please not now.”
“No, you cannot be controlled by a woman who doesn’t know how to hold a household. I told you to marry Jikisile but you refused. You would have had a lot of children by now.”
The last statement is followed by a click tongue, I am numb. I look at Simphiwe who is looking down in shame.
“You might as well marry her, Simphiwe and leave the barren me.”
I take my shoes off. I don’t even know whether to go to that interview or not.
I leave them seated to go hide myself in my bedroom.
Having a broken heart is worse. It's like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it but it hurts every time I breathe. I look at the phone anticipating whether to call my father – last time I checked his BP was extremely high that he was hospitalized. I will have to call his wife.
I hate how she addresses me. I am no longer a child.
“I am in my late thirties'.” I remind her.
“Not in your father's eyes.”
One thing she is right about is this. I will always be the apple in my father's eyes.
“Is he okay?”
I ask.
The long sigh has been worried there. “He does not want to stay away from the sun. His cows are making him lose his senses. He doesn’t even notice me any longer.”  At least her husband is not having an affair – well he is with the cows. The more I think about it the more the scenario sounds out of one's mind. I laugh it off because damn its deranged but better than my situation. This woman is having nice life problems and she is complaining.
“I do not know what to do with him anymore. The doctor told him to take it easy but he is totally doing the complete opposite…”
Talking to my family has made me forget about the life crises I am in. I continue to scroll through my contact list and I look at Sigujana’s number. I small smile creeps on my face.
“Aren't you coming to work today?” I ask. I have not seen him in two days.
“My pregnant girlfriend is sick so I had to take care of her.”
He responds. Valid reason for being away.
“You should have reported.”
“Sorry sistera, I just got caught up in a lot of personal things that needed my undivided attention.”
“Did you take your girlfriend to the doctor?”
I ask. For someone who is pregnant she sure needs much care.
“I sent her to the hospital and they said they see nothing.” he responds with a long sigh. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Where are you?”
“My squatter camp.”
“I am coming.”
“No! I…”
I know what he thinks. I will not go there and do the unthinkable. I have morals. I just want to help the lady and that’s it. I change my clothing and wear something comfortable. Tracksuits will do since they get to hide my skinny legs. I wiped the makeup off my face and combed my weave.
“Where are you going?” The monster in law asks still seated in the kitchen doing God knows what.
“Out I need medication for Zuri.”
“That is thoughtful of you. This is how you
manage your household mntanami. Stick with me and you shall hold your house even if it is on fire.”  I nod my head very much bored on her statement. I do not want to sound rude.
“I will be back.”  I know Simphiwe is not around maybe he is out with one of the floozies.

SIMPHIWE SHANDU THE HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now