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I need to go deal with these people again once and for all. I cannot have so much baggage that does not even concern me. Imagine bringing my soon to be ex-husbands kids to the new relationship. The man will leave me eventually and get tired of my problems. I am just bringing one problem after another. Only a human being could take much.
“All set?” Jele helps me with the bags. I am taking the kids to their grandparents. This is a decision I made yesterday when I was tossing and turning. Jele is not pleased with my decision but it's something I need to do.
“Yes babe.” I say stepping in the car. He will not be coming with us out of respect.
“I still believe this is a wrong idea. I mean, I did not mind having the kids around, they keep me company and I get to have very good practice in changing diapers.”
“I know babe – but it's just not looking fair on you at all.” I speak lowering my voice. I believe I am hurting his feelings in a way. I respect his drollness. He smiles and steps back. His eyes are still fixed on the kids. I know I am taking something that puts a smile on his face. He takes time dogging work just to see the kids. He calls now and again confirming if they are good and have eaten. He takes time to bathe them and spends time with them. Jele is a natural in everything.
“It's okay. Guess I have bonded with the Shandu kids.” He sulks making me throw a fit of laughter.
“Askies love. Yours is on the way.” I say rubbing my flat tummy.
“Yoh, so long!”
“Just eight months more babe.” I am still laughing high.
“Just go.” he walks straight to the house. He can sulk all he wants but truth be told – he would have eventually got tired of me and Simphiwe’s kids. I drive out of the yard with my heart beating abnormally. After dropping the kids, I will need to go see Simphiwe. I don’t know whether to serve him with the divorce papers now or wait for the right time. But it's something I would have to have a word with Jele and see what he will surmise this on.

Everyone is here – that's good and the mother-in-law is back frfom the hospital. I find them dining having a nice life.
“Sanibona.” I greet. But they mumble amongst themselves. Awkwards. I sit down and everyone is now silent.
“Has anyone gone on to check on Simphiwe?’ I ask but all eyes' just shy away. “Wow, erm okay. I brought the kids. I don’t have a place to keep them.” I say but they all just look at me like I have just spit shit.
“Makoti, first things first. The reason we haven't gone to check on my son is because of his mother's situation. She was just discharged today and she is very fragile. Her alone requires a lot of work. She doesn’t talk, or eat for herself. She just sits there like the baby you are carrying in your hands and waits for you to do what…” I do not understand his reason at all. What is this old man really saying to me? I cut his speech before he could even finish. I don’t care if they label me as rude.
“So, in other words you are telling me that you cannot take care of your grandkids?” I am in shock, how sick are these people?
“At this moment no. What do you mean when you say you don’t have a roof to keep the kids under? Last time I checked Simphiwe had a home.” “It's complicated.” I say. I don’t have to explain myself to them, right? He heavily sighs.
“I know you are facing the worst time of your life but I want you to be there for my son. I know that your marriage has weaknesses here and there, but I want you to hold on and stay strong.”
“I see. So, is no one willing to help me with the kids? No one is willing to ask as to how am I coping or do I need anything?” They all keep quiet. His two aunts haven't muttered a word at all. I take a deep breath and look at all of them.
“So vele you are a type of family that steps back when one is going through the most?” I ask.
“It’s not like that…”
“Then how it's like baba? Why do I get a feeling that you guys are just distancing yourself when Simphiwe needs you the most. Mina, I am filing for a divorce because I can’t take all of this. It's too much and it hurts.”
“What!” Now these aunts have the mouth that speaks. “You can't leave your husband when he is facing the most. That is not how you agreed on your vows.” Says who? These two grannies got to be kidding me.
“I will ignore your statement because I don’t know what it really means. You know what – it was just pointless coming here. I will take these kids to your second wife.” I say standing up.
“I doubt she will agree – she is leaving in a few days' time.”
“Ow, it's okay. I will take my leave.” What was the reason for me to be here again? I regret my time coming here. These people really don’t care when one is down. They all care when one is high and about. You know a family that gets to praise you when you do something for them. A family that gets to worship you when you bring something to the table. When you are facing stormy days, they decide to take a step back and watch how everything unfolds. You know what, if they don’t want anything to do with these kinds - I will keep them with the help of Jele. I didn’t even go to the woman who married an already married man behind everyone's back. I just drove straight back to Jele.
“You back so soon.” he says sounding surprised. He looks at the back and notices kids. He smiles widely and opens the door. “Look who's back.”
Zuri is smiling pulling his beard. It's time to get rid of that pacifier, maybe that is the reason she began being all mute. She only cries when she is in pain, hungry and pooped on herself. She sometimes debates with cartoons when she is in her own world. “She missed me.” the cockiness in this man's voice.
“Yea right.” I get hold of Fihliwe and follow them shortly.
“What happened?” he asks with his gaze fixed on me.
“You told me so. They don’t want to take the kids. They haven't checked on their jailed son as well. I don’t know what to do. I am just pushed into a corner for responsibilities that are not mine.”
“You didn’t pass by?” I know what he is asking and I don’t want us to fight over this.
“I didn’t see the need to.” He takes my hand and holds it firmly.
“Don't let hate change the heart of gold that you have. Yes, he has hurt you countless times but he still needs you. I am not pushing you back into his arms woman but I am just advising you to be there for him when everyone has turned their backs on him. I am sure that he is waiting for you to come through. Go see him and ask what happened. I'm sure he owes you an explanation. You are still married to him so that means you will have to be there for him. Not sexually.” The last statement makes me chuck in amusement. I don't see myself being in the same room as Simphiwe.
“I don’t think that will be a good idea. I will support him from afar.” I don’t want to go anywhere near him. That man has broken me beyond recognition!

SIMPHIWE SHANDU THE HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now