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How am I feeling? A sensation of extreme discomfort and anguish that is overwhelming and unendurable. I have been up and down trying to figure out why she will follow me behind. How did she know? How did she even know I was coming here. Dammit Bagqibile, this is all your fault. Now I have two women under my name in the same bloody hospital! I kicked the chair, hurting my foot in the process.   
“God dammit!” I grunt holding my foot. “Shoot.” I groan harder. The sound of the bed moving. I looked back and noticed Nozi trying to get off the bed. She gives me a slight frown and looks at her surroundings. She holds her head and lays fully on her back. I felt her body trembling, more like fear taking over. With the pain shooting directly on my foot, I take further steps towards her, and she just stares at me blankly. I cannot read her expressions, feel her energy or even tell her how she is. Everything is just numb. 
“For how long you are willing to hurt me like this?” She asks, looking at the ceiling. I am not too sure how to respond. Jele walks in with a face I cannot describe a face to kill. He marches towards me and waves at me one hell of a punch. 
“You bastard!” he says. I fight back and punch his stomach but that felt like I’ve just woken the devil up. He throws the blow at half speed. Involved his body's all muscles in the punch. I felt my jaw being separated. Blood drips like a cow being slaughtered. I swear some tissues teared up. I hold my jaw and step back before he swings in another mean punch - I admit I was wrong. But Jele has no business in my maternal problems. I’m holding my jaw in so much pain – like affliction. I cannot explain the rack I am feeling. Feeling tightness, I think the bastard broke my jaw. Nozi gets off the bed – now everyone is here to witness the wrestling! I don't understand why people get so happy when they see a fight. Black people!
“Jele, Shandu. In my office now!” That is the matron seething her teeth like a hungry bulldog. I hold my bleeding jaw and follow her first shortly. If I lose my license today, I will make sure that Jele will never get to see the next day. He is hell bent in making my life leaving hell in this hospital. I wish my own Pharmacy was up and running. 

The matron is looking at us – no words being exchanged. Just her looking at us underneath her granny glasses. She takes a deep breath and leans back. If we were here to stare at each other, I might as well go home and fix my marriage with my wife. 
“What is this? Is this how doctors behave in this hospital?” 
“He started all this.” I say on behalf of myself. If Jele thinks I am afraid of him, he has another thing coming! He just sits there popping his knuckles and clenching his jaws. 
“Jele...” He doesn’t answer but stands up roughly and walks out of the Matrons office. I look at her. It was pointless in the first place being here - I might as well storm out.
“He has issues.” I say standing up with my aching jaw. 
“He doesn’t have issues. But he has an issue with you – how you gamble with your wife's life. How would you feel if she was rambling your heart this manner? You were never ready for marriage. You still behave like a...” 
“I am not here for my family issues.” I don’t know who gave her the right to spew nonsense about me. How dare she!
“The day that woman decides to leave you – you will wish death upon yourself, trust me.”  What has she become now, Doctor Phil? I walk out leaving her spewing rubbish out of her mouth. Nozi and I are meant to be and there is no way that she will ever leave me. 
“Mxm.” I need to get this checked out. Going back to where Nozi was, she is no longer there. 
“Excuse me, where is the woman that was here?” I ask looking around. The nurse stops making the bed and looks at me. 
“She discharged herself.” 
“What! When?” I flinch due to the massive pain exploding my jaw. 
“It's been long.” she goes back to making the bed. Nozi cannot drive in that state. I ran out and to my surprise she had already gone. I take a deep. I have another case of Bagqibile. Meaning I will have to split myself in two. 

After making sure that Bagqibile and yet another baby girl are fine, yes Bagqibile gave birth to another baby girl. I dashed out of the hospital. I am starting to think now this is a curse. I produce female kids only and not even one male child. I shake my head waking myself up from this dream, hoping that it is indeed a dream. But who am I fooling? All of this is reality. 
I park my car outside the gate and her car is not in sight. 
“Where could she have been?” I ask myself. I stepped out of the car and rushed to the house.
“Where is Nozi?” I ask the Nanny who was wiping the table counter. 
“I haven't seen her.” She looks at me horrified. It must be blood.
“You can go sleep now.” I order. She drops the cloth and disappears from my eyes. I scan my eyes around hoping to spot Nozi but she's nowhere to be seen. She must be in our bedroom. I rush upstairs and everything is upside down. That means she was here. Her fresh scent. Panic takes over when I notice that some of the clothes are missing, she can't possibly leave me just like that like I do not matter. We are married for heaven's sake! 

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