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What will I do with this man. I am smiling looking at my freshly done nails. If he thinks that I will get to cook with these kind of nails he has another thing coming! I should consider hiring a stay-in maid since I am always alone in that big house.   
I need to do some groceries and add food stuff that are missing in the house. I wanted to do a little bit of shopping but time is not on my side.  
Minding my own business, I bump into a pregnant woman by mistake…I see her being pushed harshly backwards. 
“Ow my God! I am so sorry.” I say in panic. I did not even see her. I have my hands on my head looking around trying to search for a store manager, but all for some weird reason the store is quite today. Where is God when I need him the most. 
“Call the ambulance, don’t just stand there!”  
She groans holding her stomach. Why does God have forsaken me? I cannot imagine myself behind that orange uniform.  
I see Jele making his way to store. Tears bewailed out after another. I dropped my handbag on the floor and ran towards him. He doesn’t seem to recognize me… “It's me, MaShandu,” I shake my head no. Why? I also have no idea.  “Nozi…”  
He gasps still with his eyes glued on me. Maybe it’s he tears scaring him. I pull him by his hand and lead him to where the woman is. I have no other option but to hold his hand like a toddler since his eyes cannot shy away from my face. He stops on his tracks and laughs a bit. 
“I see, you have met THEE Mrs Shandu.” He smirks and helps the lady to stand. 
“Do you perhaps need to go to the hospital?” He diverts the question to the woman who is now looking at me with so much fear in her eyes. I should be the one with so much fear not the other way around.  
“No, I'm fine.” She rushes off leaving me confused.  Where the hell did, she get the strength from?  
“Who is she?” I haven't met her before. 
“She works with us.” 
“We need to send her to the hospital.”  
I do not want any bad omen lurking around me. What if that baby dies and everything will be on me? 
“She said it herself. She is fine. So, stop stressing yourself.” 
I nod my head somehow trusting him.  
“I need to be done here.”  
I just want to be out of here before the that woman comes back with the police. I am not ready to face time in jail. Not when I haven't even tried conceiving. Talking about that, it is time for my fertility pills. I now drink those anyhow, anytime. Even overdose – which I clearly know could cause a lot of damage and harm to my body but at this moment, I do not care about anything at all. All I want is to be pregnant for my husband before they do the job for as his mother has always requested. “You still owe me that lunch date.” He speaks. I have totally forgotten about it. 
“Ow snap. You didn’t remind me.”  
“Well, now is a good time.”  
He is not backing now, is he? 
“Some other time - I promise.”  
“Can I at least get a hug.”  
Who wouldn’t give him a hug with those cute puppy eyes. I have never been any close to any other man other than my husband for years.  
He smells so damn good. I smile resting my head on his chest and I feel something poking me. My senses come back immediately, and I just move away from him. He smiles still looking at me with his not so puppy eyes but hungry, lust eyes.  
“I should get going.” I say grabbing my bag on the floor. How stupid can I be. My bag has been on the floor for the whole of this while.  
“Hai, wait.” He shouted out for me before I could even exit. Now everyone is looking at us. Where are all of these people coming from? When I needed them that were not here, now that a random guy is calling out for my name in public they appear like the matrix. Bloody hypocrites. I wouldn't be surprised if Simphiwe knew by now. I hiss underneath my breath. My marriage is online and I cannot risk it by any chance. 
“What Jele?” I ask. 
“I want you to buy these vitamins. It will bring back the old Nozi back.” He kisses my head and leaves me unrecalled.  
I look at my skinny legs and I can feel my chest tightening. Simphiwe never told me that I have lost weight. Now that Jele mentioned it - I am definitely sure that I did lose quite a lot of weight. Now that someone has mentioned it, most of my clothes no longer fit and I believe it is because of the stress that I am going under. I shove the plastics in the booth.  
I will have to deal with Simphiwe when I get home. I drive out of the parking lot and for some weird reason the pregnant lady is looking so closely at me. I stop and lower the window.  
“Are you okay?” I ask. I am very worried. I didn’t mean to hit her with the trolley. Now I will look like… 
“I am okay, I am waiting for my…someone.” 
She says brushing her stomach, 
“I am so sorry. Please give me a call if anything happens.”  
I try locating a pen in this stupid bloody car and I find none. Simphiwe! I calm myself down. He stole my brand-new pen I got as a gift from another ex-colleague. 
“No, no, no. No need to worry yourself. I was being dramatic earlier on. Someone will fetch me and we will go to the doctor. No need to feel bad. And besides I saw – it was an honest mistake.”  
She smiles, a genuine smile. I sigh feeling sullen.  
“Okay,” I am honestly offended of her refusing my help. I take another look at her and continue to drive out. I pass Simphiwe by the exit; he smiles awkwardly and waves at me. He told me that he was tired and he wanted to be home. He even refused to accompany me. I wonder what brings him here. I am just mad at him for lying staring up to my face.  
I just drive past him and ignore him to the outmost worst.  

SIMPHIWE SHANDU THE HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now