Start from the beginning


“So, you do not know who the father of the baby is?” my mother asks, looking furious. I shake my head no with tears dancing down my face. I swear they just have this tendency of dripping down when they are not needed. 
“No, I don’t know.” I respond trying to think back. Simphiwe? I don’t know whether he did it to me or.... but I remember Mkhuleko releasing his last drop of it. Honestly, I don’t know.
“Such a disgrace. I don’t know what to do with you. Honestly, your agemates are out and about thriving for a better life and you are here not knowing what you want in life and what to do with yourself. From now onwards you will get to see how you will take care of that child alone without me. I can't help you raise something I don’t know when it was created by what and when.” She clicks her tongue and leaves me standing. My sister is here smiling in amusement. 
“Who would have known the favorite daughter falling pregnant.  Wait, do you know what is the worst part? She doesn’t know who the father of the baby she is carrying. What a shame.” I am not going to entertain her. Vuyile can be a nag and irritating at times. No wonder our childhood was different and distant. She was the rebellious one and I was the innocent one. She would go out without our mother's knowledge and come back in the morning. I would cover up for her until my mother caught us one day. She did love me that much yes but...
“Can you go wash the dishes since you have nothing to do about yourself?” Vuyile says heading out of the door. I know she is not going to be back until morning and our mother is used to her. I sigh, this is going to be my life for the rest of the days. I need to get a job as soon as possible. 


House chores have never really been a problem for me. The problem starts when one doesn’t want to do what is due to them. Vuyile is back from her whoring ways, and I am slaving around. She is just sitting her flat ass down. She was out all night!
“Can I at least get some help?” I ask. Feels like I am talking more to myself. What is the use of trying to be civilized with a grown as woman who doesn't know how to differentiate between right and wrong!
“I am busy.” She is busy painting her nails! I take a deep breath hiding my anger. I did the cleaning, washed the dishes last night and this morning, did the laundry and now they require me to cook while they sleep all day.
“Okay Vuyile. Suit yourself.” I say going back to the kitchen. I will cook what they hate the most. Potato curry and pap! 
“Kodwa Violet, why cook such nonsense when we have plenty of food in this house?” That is the dragon mother asking.
“I was tired.” I respond while playing with the colorless food. 
“Mina, I buy meat every month. I can't eat this.” Vuyile. I smile on the inside. If they think they will bully me around for a mistake I made months ago, they have another thing coming! I have tolerated them for three full months. Their tantrums really exhaust me. 
“I think you should go look for a job in town.” My mother suggests pushing her plate aside. I also push the plate and fold my arms. I'm honestly tired of this back and forth. 
“Mybe moving out will do.” I say standing up.” 
“And go where?” she asks with her face looking sour. Her face always looks sour even when she is happy. I don’t know how God made her honestly.
“You are asking me that question?” I am surprised she even cares. 
“We feed you and this is the thanks we get?” Vuyile can jump off the cliff. If I knew that my family would do this or be like this. I wouldn’t have bothered to come back home. I just leave them shouting my name behind like mad people. I have come to terms to actually leave and go start somewhere, where I am not bothered at all. I am packing my belongings with tears streaming down. We all make mistakes but what hurts me most is the family I thought had had my back through thick and thin would dance on my misfortune. I look at what I used to call my room. I just want to leave without being noticed. Where am I going? I still have a father even though we are not that close because he was never there when growing up. If he accepts me then fine, if he doesn’t. Life still goes on. I will also move on. I catch a taxi heading to town, from town I will catch a taxi to Richards Bay. Hope he will welcome me with open arms and won't judge me for my mistakes.


“I am sorry mam; due to too many seizures the baby has developed a stroke resulting for her to be partially paralyzed on the right side of her body.” I just felt numb, confused, lost and lost the sense of belonging. I am even failing to cater for her and myself. Those words have been ringing in my head for the past three months. Sizile was declared partially paralyzed by the doctors. The most maddening situation. How can a mother pass through such a situation? I know I love her because she is truly the most remarkable blessing to my life, and I love watching her grow every second. Even though she doesn’t grow normally like every other kid out there! She is just more perfect than I could have ever dreamed when I found out we were having a little girl. At points, I wish I could change some of the harsh realities that have already happened in her young life. I wish we lived in a world where tragedy didn’t strike innocent children. But I can’t change the past and I can’t protect her from all the bad things as much as I want to. The best I can do is teach her and guide her to the best of my ability. As she grows, there are a few fundamental things I want her to cling to. I caress on her tiny face with tears having a feast on my face. I know I had and got to be strong for her, but I am failing. Been up and down hospitals – no luck. I haven’t seen my parents in months and that doesn’t bug me at all because they haven’t tried making contact, including my sister! But that is just a story for another day. I do not have the energy to deal with my family right now.  
Its true when they say - Life is full of hills and valleys, some valleys being worse than others. I have already experienced a deep valley in my life. Unfortunately, none of us are immune to tragedy. It is easy to count our blessings when we are riding high on top of those hills. The true measure of a person, I believe, is when one can still see the blessing. I am in the midst of those valleys. Always remember, no matter what I am going through in life, be it a big or small challenge, that I am incredibly blessed. When I am facing a challenge, I get focused on my blessings and hang on to them tight. I sigh getting up. I need to prepare myself for the night shift. Hope her nanny will come around in time. 
I plug in the kettle and wait for the water to boil. I miss that privilege of having to take a bath in a shower or in a bathtub. But life threw me under the bus, and I now must use a tiny basin. I am just freshening up. Wiping those important areas. I took a bath earlier on, so I do not see the need for it. 
“Knock, knock.” it's her, the nanny. Luckily, she came right in time after I finished bathing. 
“You came early today.” I say with a faint smile on my face. 
“Ah, it's that stupid brother of mine that dropped me off.” she says settling on the bed. I only have one plastic chair, a cardboard, a single bed and a wardrobe. My two-plate stove is on top of the cardboard. Can't have a one room fully furnished when everything is done in one space.
“I will leave you two to it then.” I bend over kissing her forehead and brush her head. I want her to know that’s me leaving to go work for her. “Call me...”
“Aysuka. Nothing will happen to her. Just don't go even there.” just like that I am being shushed out of my one-bedroom house.

The distance is not that bad, I get to walk to the hospital and thank God I was transferred to another hospital well it’s a local clinic that is what is upsetting. I wonder how Simphwe is doing wherever he is. Is he under another womans skirt making babies or is he being a productive father. I shake my head thinking of how much of a fool I was back in those days. Holding on to something that was not even there. I arrived at the clinic and as usual the night shift is quite compared to day shift. 
“Ntombazane.” one of the noisy receptionists. A woman who knows everyone's scandals. I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew where I had been and how naïve I was. 
“Yes P.” I stop and turn to look at her. 
“Clearly you haven't heard.” She looks around. She pulls me by my hand and makes me stand by the corner with her face checking every corner of the reception area. “Yini?” I am truly annoyed. 
“Girl, father nation is arrested.” she says clapping her hands once. 
“Father nation?” I am clearly confused.
“I intend to forget how slow you are. Mr Shandu has been arrested.” she repeats with a broad smile on her face. She thinks talking about people's lives is an achievement lona!
“Do I have to know him?” I am new, so I don’t know all the doctors around. 
“Stupid girl. Which hospital are you coming from?” 
“Eshowe Hospital.” I respond with a slight frown on my face. 
“You should know Doc Simphiwe Shandu. The womanizer.” She walks away and leaves me standing. My feet immediately get glued to the floor. It can't be. Was he arrested for another rape? I wouldn’t be surprised. Or was it for the child maintenance? 
“P...” She is long gone. I feel my body getting cold. When was he arrested and how was he arrested? A lot of question I have but no answers!

SIMPHIWE SHANDU THE HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now