Magsimula sa umpisa


“Are you sure about this? I don’t want to lose my license over this.” Smith can be boring at times. Who would get to snoop around s divorced couple?
“Don't be dramatic sir. We do this and no one knows about it. No one will even get to find out about it.” I smile when signing the divorce papers. Now what's left is for me to go give them to Nozi and set her free as she wished. The smirk on my face makes me want to do the victorious dance.
“Whatever pops up. Do not include me in all this.” he says standing. This is our country and we rule it.. What we want we shall get. I sent her a quick text telling her that we should meet in town. Luckily, she agrees to it. I don’t have all day as I have the kids with me. After almost an hour of waiting she comes through MacDonalds. She smiles looking at Zuri who her face occupied with fried chips.
“Hei.” she greets sitting down looking all beautiful.
“Are we really ending this?” I asked her. She smiles a bit and takes a deep breath.
“I believe we will both have a friendly relationship for the sake of the kids.” she responds. I smile agreeing to what she is saying.
“I believe I lost a diamond then.” Have I lost her? Not at all.
“You are still yet to find another woman to love and to marry.” she says. I only know and want her.
“Not in this life time. I am only married to you and will stay married to you.”
“What do you mean by that?” she asks with a slight frown on her face. I wish I could smack my lips right now.
“Even if you get to be married to someone else, I will still be married to you ngokwedlozi.” I say making her shake her head in amusement.
“Now I believe you have really lost it father Nation.’ she says making me growl in laughter. Ow – this is how I'm being labeled now? She looks at her watch and smiles.
“I should get going now.”
“You have been smiling a lot lately.” I say making her smile even more.
“Just stop it.” She takes the envelope and shoves it into her bag.
“Can you help me with the kids before I let you go.” One thing I know she will never say no when it comes to kids. She takes Fihliwe from my hands and I get to pick Zuri up. Parenting is very hard, especially at night. I don’t get to sleep as much as I want to but it’s all worth it in the end.
“Drive safe.” She tells me. We stand there for quite some time looking at each other. I open my arms and embrace her with a warm hug. She returns it and I just know that this is where my heart belongs not with any other woman.
“I still love you and will forever love you, don’t ever doubt that.” I stay pulling out form the hug.
“I hate it when you do this to me.” she wipes the tears off her face. I perk on her lips and step backwards.
“Take care of yourself.” I got in the car and watched her as she disappeared into the crowd. I started the car and drove off heading back to my empty house.
I have been trying a lot of agencies but the prices are just ridiculous. I decided to post the vacancy on Facebook. Maybe someone who needs the job might see this. I do not get to swallow my words. Tons of notifications popping through. I read through the messages and all of these people look like they work for fly by nights. I continued to scroll through until I captured one particular account. I take time looking at her account. She looks young and – and yah. That’s all I can say about her.
“Can I have your number?” I sent her an inbox separately. She sends her tens without wasting any time. And with me also, without wasting time, I give her a ring. She picks up in the first ring.
“Genqele hallow.” Her voice makes me want to laugh my lungs out. And the nae – God damn.
“How old are you?” That is the first thing that came to mind.
“25 sir.” she responds.
“Okay, I need to interview you and see you in person. Can you come to my house today?” I ask. She agrees to it and I send her a text with the address on it. Let me take a nap while the kids are still asleep.

I am being woken up by the doorbell buzzing non-stop on the door. I looked at my watch and it was 5:30 pm. I slept for two full hours without the kid's disturbance. I yawned getting off the couch, stretched myself and pushed my legs towards the door. I open the door and here she is looking all sweaty, with her dusty feet. Facebook pictures will kill us one day. This girl is beyond pretty. I smiled and welcomed her in.
“Don't mind the mess in this house, I was just sleeping.” she looks around with her bag held tightly against her chest.
“Please have a seat. Will bring you some juice and cold water.” Sher sits on the couch. I thank Nozi for buying me groceries. That womans knows when I am in-need. I pour the juice in the glass and some cakes on a plate.
“So, can you tell me about yourself.” She sips her juice and composes herself.
“I am Genqe Mpungose from Eshowe. An orphan trying to make a living. I have no kids, no siblings. Only child to my mother. Nothing interesting about me.” she responds and sips her juice again. She is not even sipping she is slurping the juice.
“Have you ever worked before?”
“Yes, as a street vendor.”
“I mean with kids?” my eyebrows furrowed. I don’t know why I called her here because this girl is clearly wasting my time. She keeps quite for a while.
“I watched Bruno two weeks ago. Gogo’s dog.”
“Okay!’ That is so awkward. “I am talking about a human being Sisi.’
“Ow yes, I do take care of my mother.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
“I am very strong too. I walked from town to here.” she smiles. My eyes shoot open. Some people are just… I don’t have the right words to say it.
“Why did you walk?”
“Was saving my money for isiqeda later on.” Okay, it has been confirmed. I think this girl is marbles!


I decided to do a little grocery shopping. I went to the lawyer's office to drop those papers and I am glad to say I am officially a divorcee. Nothing attaches me to Simphiwe anymore. I just want to cook nice supper and wear something nice for my man to enjoy the victory.
“What would you like to have for dinner later on?” I asked Jele over the phone. They say doctors are always busy but this one always has time to spare.
“Anything that is being prepared by you is the best.” he says. I think he is giving me the idea that I also have in mind.
“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” I ask smiling imaging the things he will do to my body later on. Jele has this tendency of worshipping my body whenever we make love. He just has his own way of making me aroused without touching me and right now I just need him.
“Where are you?” I hear him groan. I know what he wants to do. He wants to skip work and come here.
“Mall dear boyfriend. Don’t you dare think about skipping work because I swear you will have me to deal with.; I say making him laugh.
“Too late ntombi yami, iyeza indoda.” I blush like an idiot. He has just made me melt with his Zulu slang. I am standing beside my car smiling waiting for him. Still talking to him I know he will not want to drop the call until he arrives here. This is a man that calls me even when we are in the same bedroom just to say I look pretty, I love you. I feel a heavy presence behind me, I turn my head – a man I do not recognize. He snatches the phone away from me and drops it on the ground. I try to scream but a white clot is being placed against my mouth making me inhale something that smells like spirit. I get drowsy instantly and lose balance with my back leaning against his chest.

SIMPHIWE SHANDU THE HUSBANDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon