9. What's wrong with maybe?

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"'We all have our reasons'?" said Berlin, cocking his head to the side. "And what might mine be?"

"How am I supposed to know?" you asked. "I don't know anything about you."

Berlin smirked, "Want to find out more?" He stepped forward, making you step back.

"Just because the professors found someone doesn't mean you have to!" said Nairobi, moving between you and Berlin. "Not everything has to go your way!"

"But it has to go the professor's way!" Berlin fought. "How's he supposed to make a way when he's going who knows what with a girl!"

You sighed, fingers pinching the bridge of your nose. "We don't have time for this," you said. "Let's get back to work."

Everyone nodded, even Berlin who was fuming. As everyone walked away Denver slid up to you.

"Damn," he said, smiling.

You smiled back, "I was just doing my job."

~time skip~

It was nighttime and the helicopter's lights were beaming through the windows. You and Denver were lying on your backs, watching the light from the helicopters pass by.

"I hope we get out soon," said Denver.

You nodded, "Me too, Denver, me too."

You felt Denver's gaze turn in you. You turned your head and met his eyes. You two sat like that for a while before Denver looked away.

"How much money do we have?" he asked, gazing at the ceiling.

"I'm not sure," you said, following his gaze to the ceiling. "I haven't asked Nairobi about it in a while."

You glanced over at Denver and saw he was smiling, "What are you smiling about?"

Denver's smile only grew, "I'm thinking about what we're going to do when we get out of this."


"Yeah," Denver nodded, looking at you with his smile still intact. "Us. You and me. I promise I won't bring my martial arts studio to your private beach house."

You laughed at his reference to the robber's conversation before the heist started.

"You can bring your sky blue Maserati though," you said.

"Good," grinned Denver.

Another helicopter past by, lighting the room up.

"We should get some sleep," you said, making Denver groan. "We have to get our sleep. Something could happen tomorrow."

"But something could happen tonight," said Denver.

"If something happens tonight we have Nairobi and Tokyo and Berlin and Rio and everyone else," you smiled. "Besides, they're probably all sleeping right now too."

~time skip~

People were screaming. There was blood. Why was there blood? There was lots of blood. It was on your hands. Do you want to know why you had dried blood in your hands?

~an hour earlier~

Berlin had sent Tokyo away. You didn't know why but he did. Rio had yelled at him for ten minutes.
Now he was yelling with joy. Tokyo was coming back. On a motorcycle.

The cops were shooting at her and she was coming in hot. Rio opened the door and followed Moscow out to help Tokyo not get shot.

"We need to close the door!" you yelled. "Or else the cops are going to get one of us!"

"But Tokyo's not in yet!" Rio shouted.

"Tell her she needs to hurry up and stop being a glory hog!"

"I'm kinda busy," said Rio. "You tell her."

You sighed and ran forward, "Tokyo! You need to hurry u—"

A bullet went through your chest making you stumble back. Moscow saw it and yelled. Strong arms wrapped around you, stopping you from falling. Moscow was running to close the door with Rio following him. Something black shot past you as the door closed. Tokyo. You slid back into Denver's arms, clutching your wound. Berlin, Nairobi, Helsinki, and Oslo all crowded around you, yelling for someone to get some medical supplies.

You were layed on something metal. You looked over and saw Moscow. Something red was staining his jumpsuit.

"Moscow?" you said.

He fell forward.


You were one of the first ones to his side, "Someone get me some tweezers and bandages now!"

They were handed to you and you turned to Moscow panicking. The pain in your bullet wound was agonizing but you didn't care. You had to save Moscow. Denver was next to you, panicking even harder then you were.

"Someone see how the hostages are," Berlin ordered as you carefully pulled the bullet out. Nairobi followed his orders.

"Is he going to make it?" Rio asked as Denver helped you wrap bandages around Moscow.

"It looks like it," you said, trying to keep all the emotions you were feeling out of your voice. "You need rest," you told Moscow. "We're going to get you to your sleeping bag and your going to sleep, alright?"

Moscow nodded and let you and Denver help him up. It took a while to get him to his sleeping bag but once he layed down, he instantly fell asleep.

"He's going to be okay," you told Denver. "He's a strong man."

Denver nodded. Everything went black.

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